Economía verde

Zhangjiajie es una gran zona montañosa de China, que figura en la lista de parques naturales Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO. Con puestos de venta en cada esquina, la vegetación ha sido pisada y el suelo compactado, llevando a una aceleración de la degradación medioambiental. Usado además por muchos vendedores para lavar los platos, los riachuelos se han contaminado.

Las autoridades están llevando a cabo una gran obra de limpieza, con la retirada de infraestructuras inapropiadas, hoteles, cafés y tiendas de dentro del parque, por lo que las perspectivas de la flora y la fauna locales –incluida la gente local- son considerablemente más favorables que unos años atrás.

Se estima que las actividades de turismo de montaña generan un beneficio de 70 a 90 mil millones de dólares al año, y supone entre un 15 y un 20 por ciento de la industria turística.

El turismo responsable depende en gran medida de nuestro comportamiento.

Call for mountain photographs for IMD

Call for mountain photographs for IMD


Send us your mountain photos. We are seeking pictures that show local mountain culture. You could submit portraits of mountain peoples or spontaneous shots of individuals engaging in traditional activities, festivals or everyday mountain life. The photographs will be used to promote International Mountain Day (IMD), which is 11 December.


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We Are Alps Tour 2016: "Alpine Green Economy"

We Are Alps Tour 2016: "Alpine Green Economy"


The 2016 edition of the We are Alps tour will look for answers to what the green economy is, how it is unfolding in the Alps - whether different from the lowlands, what its characteristics are and what good practice examples can be found across the Alps (with focus this...

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Newsletter for West Africa mountains

Newsletter for West Africa mountains


The Platform of Civil Society Organization for the Safeguard of Mountains (PSM) began a newsletter for green actors in seven countries of West Africa. PSM is a platform for the stability of mountains and the wellbeing of mountain communities in West Africa and includes some Mountain Partnership members.

With the release...

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Call for abstracts: Caucasus Mountain Forum

Call for abstracts: Caucasus Mountain Forum


Designed to be a meeting place for scientists, policy makers and practitioners, the Caucasus Mountain Forum 2016 will provide an opportunity for different kinds of contributions. The Scientific Network will organize the Forum for the Caucasus Mountain Region in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 27 November-1 December and invite submissions for the...

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A fête for nature, land, oceans and mountains

A fête for nature, land, oceans and mountains


For the third consecutive year, Earth Day Italia brought the “Village for the Earth” to Rome. An intense four days were dedicated to celebrating Earth Day, the most significant edition since the series saw its start. In fact, on 22 April 2016, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and world leaders...

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Group for sustainable Himalayan development

Group for sustainable Himalayan development


In a bid to mobilize support and commitment to regional cooperation for sustainable mountain development, the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) Partnership for Sustainable Mountain Development was endorsed by ministers and high-level government representatives from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan and...

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