El Agua

Las montañas no son simples reservorios de agua, almacenando agua en forma de glaciares, nieve, humedales, lagos y depósitos subterráneos.

Como proveedoras de agua dulce para más de la mitad de la humanidad, las montañas son de importancia estratégica para la agricultura, la seguridad alimentaria y la biodiversidad.

Se extraen anualmente alrededor de 4000 kilómetros cúbicos de agua dulce–equivalente a aproximadamente 1700 litros por persona y día. Pero el agua para la agricultura es por mucho, la mayor categoría de extracción.

Mountain biodiversity and well-being survey

Mountain biodiversity and well-being survey


The Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) is carrying out a global assessment of the state of, trends in and relations between biodiversity, ecosystem services, human well-being and direct drivers in the world's mountains. They have created a survey that will allow those interested to share their knowledge about...

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MP Steering Committee meets in Rome

MP Steering Committee meets in Rome

peak to peak

Issue 115 – Month 5 – Year 2018

The May 2018 issue of Peak to Peak provides a brief overview of the Mountain Partnership Steering Committee meeting held in Rome, Italy, on 23–24 April. The newsletter continues with stories about the 2018 International Mountain Day theme; the baseline data...

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Mountain Research and Development issue online

Mountain Research and Development issue online


The papers in the latest issue of the journal Mountain Research and Development (MRD) analyze gender-inclusive nettle value chain development in western Nepal, discuss the impact of Swiss government policy on maintaining high-mountain pasturing in the Alps, present an agronomic study of an endangered landrace of runner bean in Italy...

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Explorers carry MP flag to the Arctic

Explorers carry MP flag to the Arctic


“The Last Ice” is a project of exploration, adventure and science on some of the last frozen lakes of the northern hemisphere. A team of three athletes – climber and author Paku Crestas, entrepreneur and writer Albert Bosch and climber Pepe Ivars – with vast experience in extreme environments will...

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ICENECDEV at the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope

ICENECDEV at the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope


The Mount Cameroon Race of Hope is an international mountain race organized every year in the month February by the Government of Cameroon together with partners. This year, the athletic competition was organized on 17 February 2018 with the participation of more than 226 athletes from nine countries. Simultaneously, on...

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MP members

MP members' statement for CSW62 accepted

peak to peak

Issue 113 – Month 3 – Year 2018

The March issue of Peak to Peak opens with a news about Mountain Parternship members' joint written statement being accepted for presentation during the upcoming 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62). The newsletter continues with stories...

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