El Agua

Las montañas no son simples reservorios de agua, almacenando agua en forma de glaciares, nieve, humedales, lagos y depósitos subterráneos.

Como proveedoras de agua dulce para más de la mitad de la humanidad, las montañas son de importancia estratégica para la agricultura, la seguridad alimentaria y la biodiversidad.

Se extraen anualmente alrededor de 4000 kilómetros cúbicos de agua dulce–equivalente a aproximadamente 1700 litros por persona y día. Pero el agua para la agricultura es por mucho, la mayor categoría de extracción.

United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2022)

United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2022)


Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development

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Mountain Partnership key speakers at Italy’s Expo Dubai tourism forum

Mountain Partnership key speakers at Italy’s Expo Dubai tourism forum

peak to peak

The March 2022 issue of Peak to Peak highlights the Mountain Partnership's participation in Italy's tourism forum at Expo 2020 Dubai. It furthermore shares the link to download the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development 2022 logos. Top news stories cover two Mountain Partnership members who recently received international recognition...

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Fundación CoMunidad awarded micro-grant for adaptation project

Fundación CoMunidad awarded micro-grant for adaptation project


Fundación CoMunidad in Panama, a member of the Mountain Partnership (MP) and Steering Committee representative alternate for Major Groups in North and Central America and the Caribbean, is one of the recipients of the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) micro-grants initiative.

With the launch of its micro-grants call in November...

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Project monitors mountainous watersheds and streams to mitigate pollution in the Black Sea

Project monitors mountainous watersheds and streams to mitigate pollution in the Black Sea


A new project financed by the European Union aims to reduce pollution in the Black Sea by monitoring pollutants and litter in mountainous streams and watersheds.

The "Protect Streams 4 Sea" project focuses on joint environmental monitoring of nonpoint source pollutants and litter. It aims to mitigate such pollutants from entering...

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International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, 2022

International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, 2022


On 16 December 2021, the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution proclaiming 2022 the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development at the proposal of the Kyrgyz Government. The resolution was sponsored by 94 governments and invites the Mountain Partnership to facilitate the observance of this Year.


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Winner of GROW Summer School agrobiodiversity innovation contest announced

Winner of GROW Summer School agrobiodiversity innovation contest announced

peak to peak

The October 2021 issue of Peak to Peak announces the winner of the GROW Summer School agrobiodiversity innovation contest. Top news stories cover two mountain-related UNFCCC Pre-Cop26 side events and updates on mountains in the Expo 2020 Dubai programme. Peak to Peak continues with a look at upcoming events in...

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