Energía limpia

Las montañas son una rica fuente de energía renovable. Algunos países como Bután están exportando energía hidroeléctrica como materia prima. Ruanda se ha propuesto generar 1000 megavatios de energía para uso domestico y exportación en 2017.

Esta gran energía potencial sin explotar significa que las montañas tienen el poder de ayudar a desplazar el consumo mundial lejos de los combustibles fósiles que son la mayor causa del calentamiento global.

La creciente urbanización y la expansión de las mega-ciudades incrementa la demanda de las regiones de llanura, que miran a las montañas en busca de mayor provisión de energía. Las montañas son una fuente clave de energía para toda la población del planeta.



Forum Carpaticum 2018

Forum Carpaticum 2018


The Forum Carpaticum is an open meeting of the Science for the Carpathians (S4C) initiative that occurs every two years. The fifth Forum Carpaticum will cover a wide range of topics related to sustainability in the Carpathians, including land cover and land-use change, renewable energy, climate change vulnerability assessment and...

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World Mountain Forum 2018 Kyrgyzstan

World Mountain Forum 2018 Kyrgyzstan

peak to peak

Issue 119 – Month 9 – Year 2018

The September 2018 issue of Peak to Peak starts with the preparations of the World Mountain Forum 2018 the fourth in the series of World Mountain Forums (WMF) which will be held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in October. The newsletter continues with stories from...

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IPROMO 2018: Bio economy in the mountains

IPROMO 2018: Bio economy in the mountains

peak to peak

Issue 117 – Month 7 – Year 2018

The July 2018 issue of Peak to Peak provides a brief overview of the International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas (IPROMO) that was held from 18 June to 2 July 2018 in Ormea and Pieve Tesino,...

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IPROMO 2018: Bioeconomy in mountain areas

IPROMO 2018: Bioeconomy in mountain areas


The bioeconomy of the world’s mountains will be under discussion at the 2018 International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas (IPROMO) in Ormea and Pieve Tesino, Italy, from 18 June to 2 July. Some 37 technical officers and researchers from more than 20 countries will...

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Mountain session, SDG 15 Expert Group Meeting

Mountain session, SDG 15 Expert Group Meeting

peak to peak

Issue 116 – Month 6 – Year 2018

The June 2018 issue of Peak to Peak provides a brief overview of the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 on Life on Land that was held in New York on 15 May 2018. The newsletter continues with stories about...

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MP Steering Committee meets in Rome

MP Steering Committee meets in Rome

peak to peak

Issue 115 – Month 5 – Year 2018

The May 2018 issue of Peak to Peak provides a brief overview of the Mountain Partnership Steering Committee meeting held in Rome, Italy, on 23–24 April. The newsletter continues with stories about the 2018 International Mountain Day theme; the baseline data...

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