Energía limpia

Las montañas son una rica fuente de energía renovable. Algunos países como Bután están exportando energía hidroeléctrica como materia prima. Ruanda se ha propuesto generar 1000 megavatios de energía para uso domestico y exportación en 2017.

Esta gran energía potencial sin explotar significa que las montañas tienen el poder de ayudar a desplazar el consumo mundial lejos de los combustibles fósiles que son la mayor causa del calentamiento global.

La creciente urbanización y la expansión de las mega-ciudades incrementa la demanda de las regiones de llanura, que miran a las montañas en busca de mayor provisión de energía. Las montañas son una fuente clave de energía para toda la población del planeta.



How Sabzali illuminated his mountain village

How Sabzali illuminated his mountain village


This is a story about changing people’s lives. This is Sabzali Javlonov’s story.

Sabzali Javlonov was born in the remote mountain village of Nisur in Tajikistan. Located at 2 500 metres above sea level in the upper reaches of the Bartang Valley, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, the village has no access to...

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Call for participation, IPCC special report

Call for participation, IPCC special report

peak to peak

Issue 114 – Month 4 – Year 2018

The April issue of Peak to Peak opens with a call to contribute literature on mountains for possible inclusion in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate. The newsletter continues...

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ICENECDEV at the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope

ICENECDEV at the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope


The Mount Cameroon Race of Hope is an international mountain race organized every year in the month February by the Government of Cameroon together with partners. This year, the athletic competition was organized on 17 February 2018 with the participation of more than 226 athletes from nine countries. Simultaneously, on...

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Clean energy and sustainable mountain communities

Clean energy and sustainable mountain communities


A round table to discuss the outcomes of the pilot project "Clean energy: sustainable communities" was held on 9 February 2018, in Yapshorv Village, Savnob Jamoat (municipality), Gorno-Badahshan Autonomous Region, Tajikistan. The event was attended by the jamoat officials, women from the project’s target group, village advocates and the staff...

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Call for abstracts, Mountain Futures conference

Call for abstracts, Mountain Futures conference


The Centre for Mountain Ecosystem Studies, together with the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences and World Agroforestry Centre would like to invite contributions for the second International Conference on Mountain Futures, with a focus on "Ecosystem Rhythms, Land Systems and Sustainable Livelihoods".

The International Conference on Mountain Futures...

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Energy poverty in the mountains of Tajikistan

Energy poverty in the mountains of Tajikistan


People living in remote, rural communities in Tajikistan face serious difficulties accessing energy sources. This is one of the main reasons for the increased pressure on natural resources in mountain areas. The lack of access to electricity supply has a negative impact on the livelihoods of local communities and impairs...

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