A new system of waste disposal in the Everest Valley

A new system of waste disposal in the Everest Valley


The EvK2Cnr committee, in partnership with Eco Himal and Sagarmantha Pollution Control Committee, is already working to solve the "Everest waste issue". One of the first results will be the installation of a new waste management facility in Namche Bazaar, Khumbu Valley, Nepal. In open huge holes nearby several villages,...

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Earth Debate: Food Security – How Do We Feed 9 Billion People in 2050?

Earth Debate: Food Security – How Do We Feed 9 Billion People in 2050?


The Earth Debates, organized by the Museum of Natural History of the United Kingdom, in collaboration with the Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future and the British Council, will be webcast live from the UK's MSN, on 9 April. A panel of leading experts chaired by Richard Black, the BBC's...

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Mountains, a priority for a planet under pressure and for Switzerland

Mountains, a priority for a planet under pressure and for Switzerland


Mountains make up two thirds of Switzerland’s surface area. They played a decisive role in creating the national identity of Switzerland and also – owing to Alpine tourist destinations and the watchmaking industry based in the Jura mountains – its worldwide reputation. Up to now Switzerland has successfully integrated its...

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CIPRA received the Dutch sustainability award

CIPRA received the Dutch sustainability award


The International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) was awarded the 2012 Sustainability Organization of the Year by the Royal Dutch Mountaineering and Climbing Club (NKVB). In an on-line ballot, Dutch mountaineers from NKVB, the biggest mountaineering club outside of the Alps, voted CIPRA. CIPRA is a non-governmental...

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1 February 2012, India: Enhancing Participation of Women in the Green Economy

1 February 2012, India: Enhancing Participation of Women in the Green Economy


On February 1, 2012, Earth Day Network, in partnership with The Energy Resources Institute (TERI), will host a day-long WAGE forum in Delhi, India. To accelerate and provide the new thinking and creative power for a global post-carbon economy, Earth Day Network is engaging women business, government and NGO leaders...

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European Mountain Convention - 2-4 October 2012, Chambery, France

European Mountain Convention - 2-4 October 2012, Chambery, France


The European Mountain Convention will take place this year from 2 to 4 October 2012 in Chambery, France. The Convention is organized by the European Association for Mountain Areas (Euromontana) in cooperation with the French region Rhône Alpes. The three-day conference will feature discussions on several topics related...

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