IUCN engaging local communities to restore water flow in the Himalayan region

IUCN engaging local communities to restore water flow in the Himalayan region


Across the Himalayan region in India springs are drying up, owing to changes in precipitation patterns and decline of the watershed’s forests. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with the support of mobile phone company Nokia, launched a project to restore water flow in the Balkila...

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"Himalaya Water Tower" Highscrapers to solve access to water?

"Himalaya Water Tower" Highscrapers to solve access to water?


Chinese designer/engineers Zhi Zheng, Hongchuan Zhao and Dongbai Song have put forth a tantalizing proposal that combines human scientific ingenuity with a practical, prescient vision for a sustainable future. The approximately 55,000 icy glaciers in the Himalayan region hold 40 percent of the world’s fresh water and together...

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China signs hydropower expertise deal with Nepal

China signs hydropower expertise deal with Nepal


China has signed a US$1.6 billion agreement to develop the 760-megawatt (MW) West Seti Project hydropower plant in Nepal. The deal marks the Asian giant's entry into a sector in the Himalayan nation — water and power — that has been dominated by India for years. Water-rich Nepal...

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2012)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2012)


Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at the 66th Session. A/RES/66/205


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Retreating Ice Leaves Glacial Species On The Rocks

Retreating Ice Leaves Glacial Species On The Rocks


The rapid retreat of glaciers is one of the most visible signs of Earth’s changing climate, but the disappearance of the ice is altering far more than physical landscape. An analysis suggests that species that live in the streams and rivers that flow from melting glaciers could begin to vanish...

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Mountains, from "water towers" to towers of life

Mountains, from "water towers" to towers of life

peak to peak

Issue 50 - Month 03 - Year 2012


It’s our planet’s most precious resource and our cities are powered by it: it’s water! And water comes from mountains.

On 22 March 2012, the globe celebrated World Water Day. But how often do we really think about this marvel called...

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