Mountain session, SDG 15 Expert Group Meeting

Mountain session, SDG 15 Expert Group Meeting

peak to peak

Issue 116 – Month 6 – Year 2018

The June 2018 issue of Peak to Peak provides a brief overview of the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 on Life on Land that was held in New York on 15 May 2018. The newsletter continues with stories about...

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Green economies surge in the Apennines

Green economies surge in the Apennines


The conference La Green Economy Nella Regione Appenninica (Green Economy in the Apennine region) was held at the University of Camerino on 22–23 May 2018, organized by Eurac Research, in partnership with several organizations including the Alpine Convention, in the framework of the Mountain Partnership.

Attended by...

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Green Economy in the Apennine region

Green Economy in the Apennine region


In the framework of the Mountain Partnership, the University of Camerino, Italy, and the European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen – Eurac Research, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and the Italian Delegation in Alpine Convention are organizing a conference on “Green Economy in...

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Promoting mountain products at AdaptAmericas

Promoting mountain products at AdaptAmericas


The conference AdaptAmericas, organized by the Inter-American Development Bank and partners, took place on 15–16 May 2018 in Panama City, Panama, where participants discussed private and public sector opportunities generated in the context of climate change. Climate change has far-reaching implications for the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean...

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Call for applications, Forum ODT 2018

Call for applications, Forum ODT 2018


The sixth edition of the Forum “Origin, Diversity and Territories” (Forum ODT), to be held on 19-21 September 2018 in Turin, Italy, will focus on “Perspectives on territories in transition”. Agriculture and the marketing of agro-food products are crucial to the sustainable development of rural areas. Rural areas are often...

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Call for applications for IPROMO 2018

Call for applications for IPROMO 2018


The Mountain Partnership Secretariat is pleased to announce the call for applications for the eleventh International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas, or “IPROMO”. The annual training programme on sustainable mountain development is jointly organized by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, the University of Turin, Italy,...

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