IPROMO 2020 call for applications: Mountains in a changing climate

IPROMO 2020 call for applications: Mountains in a changing climate

peak to peak

Peak to Peak 2020 launches the call for applications to IPROMO 2020, which will focus on the theme "Mountains in a changing climate". This month's Members' Voices is about new member "Mountain Homestays", which includes a survey for members interested in getting involved in community-based tourism. Peak to Peak July highlights four...

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Living Chapel launch event agenda


Living Chapel launch event agenda


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Plateau Perspectives launches documentary on ecotourism in Kyrgyzstan

Plateau Perspectives launches documentary on ecotourism in Kyrgyzstan

peak to peak

The June 2020 edition of Peak to Peak starts off with Plateau Perspective's new documentary film on ecotourism, jointly released with the Mountain Partnership and the International Ecotourism Society on the International Day for Biological Diversity. This month's Members' Voices is about Mountain Partnership Products Initiative women producers of chamomile tea in...

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How to better include mountain areas in the next programming period? A step-by-step factsheet for managing authorities


Euromontana has created a timely factsheet to better consider mountain areas’ specificities and needs to address the challenges faced by managing authorities of mountain communities. Available in English and French, the factsheet gives recommendations on all steps of the design and implementation of operational programmes for mountain areas.


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FAO Assists in Enhancing the Resilience of Mountain Communities and Environments

FAO Assists in Enhancing the Resilience of Mountain Communities and Environments


This article was written by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat Coordinator Yuka Makino for the Mountain Research and Development journal. The article outlines the ways in which the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has played a leading role in sustainable mountain development within the United Nations system.


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2020 Booklet of Good Practices for vibrant European mountains


To celebrate the start of 2020, Euromontana – the European Association of Mountain Areas - published a new booklet of good practices. This brochure is the result of the exchange of good practices carried out by Euromontana in 2019 and aims at showcasing innovative initiatives for the development of...

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