Sustainable Mountain Development, Green Economy and Institutions: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond Global Report (2012) - Final Draft for Rio+20

Sustainable Mountain Development, Green Economy and Institutions: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond Global Report (2012) - Final Draft for Rio+20


In 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development – commonly referred to as ‘Rio 1992’ or ‘the Rio Earth Summit’ – mountains received unexpected high political attention. They were granted a chapter in the ‘Agenda 21’ as fragile ecosystems that matter for humankind.

In view of the UN Conference Rio+20 –...

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The Future We Want: Outcome document adopted at Rio+20 - Mountains (2012)


United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain ... The Future We WantOutcome document adopted at Rio+20 - Mountains (2012).


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Concordia Rescue Team:  The Alpine Rescue is born

Concordia Rescue Team: The Alpine Rescue is born


It’s born the Alpine Rescue in the Karacorum called “Concordia Rescue Team”. With a team entirely made up of Pakistani qualified personnel and a base on the Concordia Glaciers, it is equipped with a hyperbaric chamber, oxygen cylinders and first aid equipment necessary at high altitude. The team has already...

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Tibetan Glaciers Shrinking Rapidly: comprehensive survey reveals influence of prevailing winds

Tibetan Glaciers Shrinking Rapidly: comprehensive survey reveals influence of prevailing winds


The majority of glaciers on the Tibetan plateau - 100,000 square kilometers of glaciers that supply water to about 1.4 billion people in Asia - and in the surrounding region - are retreating rapidly, according to a study based on 30 years of satellite and field measurements. The research by...

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Water from glaciers for the arid regions: monitoring the Baltoro

Water from glaciers for the arid regions: monitoring the Baltoro


In the arid climate of northern Pakistan, glacial melt water represents nearly all water usable by the population. Monitor the evolution of the Baltoro, is the objective of the project, elaborated by the researchers of Polytechnic and of the University of Milan and coordinated by EvK2Cnr, within the Seed and...

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World Environment Day: EvK2CNR disseminates climate education in the schools of Nepal

World Environment Day: EvK2CNR disseminates climate education in the schools of Nepal


What does the word "climate" mean? What are climate change and global warming? How do these things affect our lives, animals, plants and mountains? These are simple, but important questions that school children from the Khumbu Valley in Nepal, will face in the occasion of World Environment Day established by...

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