Inter-American Foundation
What they do
The Inter-American Foundation (IAF), an independent United States government agency, was created by Congress in 1969 to channel development assistance directly to the organized poor in Latin America and the Caribbean. The IAF has carried out its mandate by responding with grant support for the most creative ideas for self-help received from grassroots groups and nongovernmental organizations. It also encourages partnerships among community organizations, business and local government directed at improving the quality of life for poor people and strengthening democratic practices.
How they do it
Geographical focus
Latin America and the Caribbean
The project should have the following: - innovative solutions to development problems; - creative use of the community's resources; - diverse array of community voices in project development and execution; - substantial beneficiary engagement; - potential for strengthening all participating organizations and their partnerships; feasibility; evidence of eventual sustainability; counterpart contributions from the proponent, the beneficiaries and other sources; - potential to generate learning; measurable results; evidence of beneficiaries' enhanced capacity for self-governance.
: Applications in Spanish, Portuguese, English, French or Haitian Creole are accepted throughout the year. Mailed applications should be sent directly to the Inter-American Foundation, Program Office via e-mail to [email protected]. There is no deadline to submit a proposal. Proposals may be submitted throughout the year and will be reviewed as they are received. All submissions must conform to the guidelines posted here. The IAF only supports projects in independent countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. There is no cost to submit a grant proposal.
Inter-American Foundation 1331 Pannsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 1200 North Washington, District of Columbia 20004, United States of America Tel:(+01) 202 3604530
United States of America
Community, Governance
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