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Course 2008: Programme

Day 24/07

Mountains Matter: Recognising the global importance of Mountains       
By Martin Price 
Centre for Mountain Studies- Perth, UK

Changes in Alpine plant productivity and species richness in response to changes in climate 
By Mark Williams
INSTAAR, University of Colorado, US 

FAO- Mountain Partnership Presentation 
By Rosalaura Romeo
Mountain Partnership, Rome, Italy. 

Day 25/07

Climate Change: facts and evidences
By Luca Mercalli
SMI Società Metereologica Italiana, Italy.

Climate change and volcanoes
By Salvatore Caffo
Parco dell’Etna, Italy.

Day 26/07

Mountain hydrology, snow and climate change
By Stefano Ferraris
University of Turin, Italy.

Climate change and economics
By David Kraybill
Ohio State University, US

Day 27/07

CHECK Mountain hydrology, snow and climate change
By Stefano Ferraris
University of Turin, Italy.

The potential effects of the climate change on the forests of the Alps: 
consequences and management options with special reference to the protective role
By Renzo Motta
University of Turin, Italy

Day 28/07

The potential effects of the climate change on the forests of the Alps: 
consequences and management options with special reference to the protective role
By Renzo Motta
University of Turin, Italy

Change of winter snow regime and its effect on the nutrient cycling in forest soils
Change of winter snow regime and its effect on the mountain environment
By Michele Freppaz
University of Turin, Italy

Day 29/07

Atmospheric pollution, mountains and global change
By Douglas Fox
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Colorado State University, US

Periglacial environment and climate change: sensitivity of the soils and
consequent lost of vegetal and animal biodiversity 
By Giuseppe Corti
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy

Day 30/07

Climatic change and organic matter dynamics in forest soils
By Luisella Celi
University of Turin, Italy
(use only CD 2)

Soil organic matter characteristics in mountain soils
By Michele Freppaz
University of Turin, Italy

Day 01/08

Subalpine and alpine vegetation under pressure: consequences of a changing climate 
in a changing world
By Brigitte Klug
Department for Integrative Biology and Biodiversity, Vienna, Austria

Global change and its effects on alpine vegetation and plant phenology
By Christian Rixen
Swiss Federal Institute for snow and avalanche research, Switzerland

Ski slopes and artificial snow production under a changing climate
By Michele Freppaz
University of Turin, Italy

Day 02/08

Air circulation in a low elevation talus slope and its implications on ground thermal 
regime and ecosystems
By Sebastien Morard
University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Climate Change and forest decline
By Giovanni Nicolotti
University of Turin, Italy

A cold site located below the limit of discontinuous alpine permafrost: 
plant characteristics and soil nutrient dynamics
By Michele Freppaz
University of Turin, Italy

Day 03/08

Mountain Environment and Global Change
By Stefan Zimmerman
Swiss Federal Research, Switzerland

Global change impacts on Mountain hazards and ecosystems in Africa
By Bob Nakileza
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

Day 05/08

Looking for and at data on mountain issues: the contribution of Information 
Technologies and Remote Sensing
By Paola Carrara
University of Turin, Italy

Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries
By Andrew Keeler
John Glenn School of Public Affairs, Ohio, US

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