UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres calls on mountain countries to take bold action on climate change mitigation and adaption

Mountains and climate change

Human activities are profoundly affecting the world’s climate, and mountains are a sensitive indicator of that effect.
Because of their altitude, slope and orientation to the sun, mountain ecosystems are easily disrupted by variations in climate. Many scientists believe that the changes occurring in mountain ecosystems may provide an early glimpse of what could come to pass in lowland environments.

As the world heats up, mountain glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates, while rare plants and animals struggle to survive over ever diminishing areas, and mountain peoples, already among the world’s poorest citizens, face even greater hardships.

Changes in the volume of mountain glaciers and in their seasonal melting patterns have an impact on water resources in many parts of the world. Changes in water availability due to climate change are taking place at a time when pressure on water resources for irrigation and food production, industrialization and urbanization is increasing.

Understanding how climate change affects mountains is vital as governments and international organizations develop strategies to reverse current global warming trends, elaborating treaties such as the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.  In addition, local community empowerment can be an essential step towards building climate change resilience in mountains.

Film series spotlights climate crisis in mountains

Film series spotlights climate crisis in mountains


The recently launched film series “Voices from the Roof of the World” – a joint initiative of the Aga Khan University, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Aga Khan Foundation and University of Central Asia – focuses on the climate crisis in the world’s highest mountain region.

Home to 240 million...

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Children's voices for mountains at COP26


“Children are the future custodians of mountains, and empowering their role through education to be the main actors in addressing climate change is essential,” said Sara Manuelli of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat during a United Nations Climate Change Conference satellite event.

Hosted by the University of Glasgow, the event on 4...

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International Mountain Day 2021 photo contest opens

International Mountain Day 2021 photo contest opens

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The November 2021 issue of Peak to Peak calls for photographers to share their best photos of sustainable mountain tourism for the 2021 International Mountain Day contest by 22 November. Top news stories cover two mountain-related events at the Expo 2020 Dubai, an expedition to Mount Kilimanjaro to raise awareness...

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FAO's Work in Mountains: Building the Road to Recovery for Mountain Peoples


This article was written by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat for the Mountain Research and Development journal. The COVID-19 crisis has added urgency to an already difficult situation in mountains. Mountain communities are highly dependent on agriculture, tourism, and remittances for their survival, and their vulnerabilities to a range of challenges—including...

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University of Milan launches mountain education manifesto at Expo 2020 Dubai

University of Milan launches mountain education manifesto at Expo 2020 Dubai


The University of Milan’s UNIMONT Centre launched a youth-centred manifesto for the promotion of a sustainable and lively future in mountain areas globally at Expo 2020 Dubai.

The Mountain Education and Innovation Manifesto (MEIM) was created through an international consultation involving over 100 youth from 28 countries around the world....

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Winner of GROW Summer School agrobiodiversity innovation contest announced

Winner of GROW Summer School agrobiodiversity innovation contest announced

peak to peak

The October 2021 issue of Peak to Peak announces the winner of the GROW Summer School agrobiodiversity innovation contest. Top news stories cover two mountain-related UNFCCC Pre-Cop26 side events and updates on mountains in the Expo 2020 Dubai programme. Peak to Peak continues with a look at upcoming events in...

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