UNCEM 2020: le sfide dei territori Montagne e comunità verso il futuro

UNCEM 2020: le sfide dei territori Montagne e comunità verso il futuro


The Italian National Organization of Mountain Municipalities, Communities and Bodies (UNCEM) is holding a two-day online conference to discuss the challenges facing mountain territories and communities. Sessions on 24 and 25 October will be open to the public and accessible via GoToMeeting.

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First Ordinary Meeting of the Andean Mountain Initiative

First Ordinary Meeting of the Andean Mountain Initiative


The council of member countries of the Andean Mountain Initiative will meet for their first ordinary meeting virtually via Google Meet. The council will discuss the 2020-2021 work plan, the proposal to the Adaptation Fund and other agenda items.

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Photo by Thomas Hofer

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Pre-Expo Dubai series highlights mountain products

Pre-Expo Dubai series highlights mountain products


The Pre-Expo Dubai programme series highlights the Mountain Partnership Products (MPP) Initiative during Climate and Biodiversity Week.

Selected as one of 25 Best Practices out of 1 175 from around the world, the MPP Initiative will be spotlighted at Expo Dubai. While the official Expo has been postponed to 2021...

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Climate and Biodiversity Week - Expo 2020 Dubai

Climate and Biodiversity Week - Expo 2020 Dubai


'Climate and Biodiversity' is the theme of the second Pre-Expo programme series. Some of the Expo's best practice projects will be presenting and sharing insights into their work. Giorgio Grussu, Project Coordinator at the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, FAO, will be presenting the Mountain Partnership Products Initiative during the Expo Family Talks...

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Sparking change in mountain biodiversity through youth

Sparking change in mountain biodiversity through youth


A panel of seven youth mountain champions from around the world addressed sustainable mountain development and biodiversity conservation during a web dialogue organised by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS). Each coming from different sectors and backgrounds, the panelists shared their unique experiences and innovative solutions to kick off action and...

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Sparking Change in Mountain Biodiversity through Youth

Sparking Change in Mountain Biodiversity through Youth


To kick off action and discussion in the lead up to International Mountain Day 2020 on Mountain Biodiversity, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat will host a youth-led dialogue discussing the relevance of mountains as biodiversity hotspots. The event will feature young people from diverse backgrounds, ranging from wildlife to forestry, to spark...

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