Site preserves Polish mountain life and culture

Site preserves Polish mountain life and culture


The European Association of Elected Representatives from Mountain Areas in Poland and Wojtowice - Back to the future,  an NGO whose mission is to promote sustainable mountain development (SMD) in Poland’s Klodzko Valley, opened on 19 September 2014 a demo site called “Sudety Demo” in beautiful 3.3- hectar...

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Mountain Research and Development issue online

Mountain Research and Development issue online


A decade after the last issue of Mountain Research and Development dedicated to women in mountains, the current issue (Volume 34, Issue 3) on Gender and Sustainable Development in Mountains, provides evidence of the progress made in gender research on sustainable development in mountains. At the same time,...

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Water in the Alps - and beyond

Water in the Alps - and beyond


The Fifth International Water Conference of the Alpine Convention will be organized in Trento on 25-26 September 2014 on the topic of "Water in the Alps - and beyond; Adapting alpine and mountain river basins to climate change".

The Water Conference was born to spread the results of the...

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Chile announces national mountain committee

Chile announces national mountain committee


The Chilean Mountain Committee was created on 12 September 2014. Seven ministers and seven service chiefs signed a decree forming a working group, which will aim to advise diverse state institutions on strategies for the sustainable use of these ecosystems in Chile.

Some 65 percent of the Chilean territory...

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Landscape conservation and development in Myanmar

Landscape conservation and development in Myanmar


The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) with its partners has been engaged in developing transboundary landscapes applying an ecosystem approach. For this purpose, seven transboundary landscapes have been identified in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, and one of them is the Brahmaputra-Salween Landscape (BSL) in...

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India leader concerned about Himalayas and youth

India leader concerned about Himalayas and youth


A Member of India’s Parliament told a group gathered by  the Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA) on 13 September 2014 at Nainital, in the northwestern region of Uttarakhand, that the wellbeing of India depends on the wellbeing of the Himalayan Region. Efforts to save the environment, natural resources...

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