Partenariat de la montagne - Gouvernance et de stratégie (2014-2017)


Sur la base des expériences et des leçons tirées de ces 10 dernières années, ce document entend présenter la stratégie et la gouvernance du PM pour la période 2014-2017. Ce document a été développé à travers un processus consultatif entre les membres du Partenariat de la montagne et a été...

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Alianza para las Montañas - Gestión Operativa y Estrategia (2014-2017)


En el presente documento, estructurado a partir de las experiencias y enseñanzas extraídas durante estos 10 años, se expone la estrategia y  la gestión operativa para el período 2014–2017. Este documento ha nacido a través de un proceso consultivo entre los miembros de la Alianza para las Montañas y se...

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New MP Steering Committee holds its first meeting

New MP Steering Committee holds its first meeting


Immediately after the Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership proceedings drew to a close on 19 September 2013, the new Mountain Partnership Steering Committee (SC) convened in Erzurum, Turkey. Having just been selected to guide the collaborative work of the Mountain Partnership (MP) members and that of the MP...

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Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership

Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership


More than 100 Mountain Partnership (MP) members, among them governments, intergovernmental organizations, major group organizations and academic institutions, came together in Erzurum, Turkey, for the Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership.

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Third Sustainable Mountain Development Summit 2013

Third Sustainable Mountain Development Summit 2013


The Sustainable Mountain Development Summit, a platform of the Indian Mountain Initiative, offers an opportunity for Indian Himalayan states to share experiences, discuss priority development issues and find ways to influence national and state policies. This year’s meeting will focus on water, agriculture and forests.

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Summary report of the 4th Global Meeting

Summary report of the 4th Global Meeting


The 4th Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership (MP) took place at the Xanadu Snow White Hotel in Erzurum, Turkey from 17-19 September 2013. On 20 September participants went on a field trip to Uzundere, Ulubağ plateau and waterfall.

During the meeting, participants addressed: the new Mountain...

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