Alpine Convention welcomes new secretary general

Alpine Convention welcomes new secretary general


The Alpine Convention has welcomed a new secretary general, Markus Reiterer, who took up his new role at the start of July.

The 45-year-old lawyer and diplomat is the first Austrian secretary general in the 21-year history of the Convention.

"I am pleased to begin my work in this function and take...

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Dean’s Beans receives second major award this year

Dean’s Beans receives second major award this year


Dean’s Beans Organic Coffee Company has received a major international award for its innovative development work in mountain coffee communities throughout Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Founder and CEO Dean Cycon picked up an Oslo Business for Peace Award 2013 in June, presented to winners for creating a better understanding...

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Fundación Agreste joins forces with Kimberly-Clark for water project

Fundación Agreste joins forces with Kimberly-Clark for water project


Fundación Agreste is working with Kimberly-Clark Argentina to revitalize the town of Paso Grande in Argentina’s Conlara Valley by providing access to safe drinking water and improving livelihoods.

In addition to installing water pumps, a reservoir and an irrigation system, the project forsees the building of greenhouses and gardens for herbs,...

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ICIMOD enters partnership for medicinal plants

ICIMOD enters partnership for medicinal plants


The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) has entered into a five-year partnership with a leading Indian consumer goods company to promote herbal medicinal and aromatic plants from the Hindu Kush Himalayan region.

The project will involve establishing a herbal garden at the ICIMOD Knowledge Park at Godavari, Nepal,...

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Agency of Development Initiatives launches mountain nutrition materials

Agency of Development Initiatives launches mountain nutrition materials


The Agency of Development Initiatives (ADI) is launching educational materials on nutrition and food processing for women in vulnerable households in the Kyrgyz Republic, with support from the University of Central Asia.

Entitled ‘My green basket’, the first issue will be out in July, and will include useful information on...

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The Hamburg Conference: Actions for Climate Induced Migration

The Hamburg Conference: Actions for Climate Induced Migration


The Hamburg Conference: Actions for Climate Induced Migration takes place in Hamburg, Germany, 16-18 July, and aims to bring together top scientists, experts, practitioners and decision-makers to share evidence-based knowledge and experiences on climate-Induced migration.

The conference's four theematic streams are Climate-Induced Migration and Urbanization, Climate-Induced Migration and Rural Livelihoods, Climate-Induced...

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