Quality mountain products at Slow Food forum

Quality mountain products at Slow Food forum

peak to peak

Issue 97 – Month 10 – Year 2016

The October issue of Peak to Peak announces the launch of the Mountain Partnership Products Initiative at the international Slow Food forum “Terra Madre Salone del Gusto”. The newsletter continues with stories about the Mountain Partnership briefing and...

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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2016)

United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2016)


Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development


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Mountain Research and Development issue online

Mountain Research and Development issue online


The newest issue of Mountain Research and Development is now available online. Papers in this issue explore a broad range of topics related to sustainable development in mountains worldwide. They analyse the potential for photovoltaic power generation in Tajikistan, the socioeconomic contributions of highlander entrepreneurs in Switzerland, large-cardamom production in the...

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Mainstreaming mountains in development policy

Mainstreaming mountains in development policy


The Central Asia Regional Consultation Meeting was held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on 20 September 2016 to discuss “Evidence-based decision making: policy and practice interaction on integration of mountain concerns into development processes. Central Asia regional experience sharing”. The day-long policy dialogue showcased good practices and experiences from the regional countries...

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Asia Pacific Youth Forum 2016

Asia Pacific Youth Forum 2016


The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) engages young professionals and builds their capacity to bring about positive changes in society through several initiatives.

Building on the success of these initiatives, ICIMOD is organizing the Asia Pacific Youth Forum 2016 (#APYF2016), which will take place in Kathmandu,...

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Landscape experts met in the European Alps

Landscape experts met in the European Alps


Around 200 participants from the Americas, Asia and Europe met at the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape (PECSRL) 2016 conference in Innsbruck and Seefeld, Austria to discuss the past, present and future of rural mountain landscapes. Hosted by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research...

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