Alpine Summer School

Alpine Summer School


The Italian-French summer school, "Fundamental processes in geophysical fluid dynamics and the climate system," is organized each year by the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) - CNR (Turin, Italy) and by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France). This year the ten-day course is dedicated to understanding...

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Call for abstracts: Caucasus Mountain Forum

Call for abstracts: Caucasus Mountain Forum


Designed to be a meeting place for scientists, policy makers and practitioners, the Caucasus Mountain Forum 2016 will provide an opportunity for different kinds of contributions. The Scientific Network will organize the Forum for the Caucasus Mountain Region in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 27 November-1 December and invite submissions for the...

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Why is food insecurity rising in mountains?

Why is food insecurity rising in mountains?


There are many interrelated factors behind this troubling trend, explains Andrew Taber of The Mountain Institute, referring to data revealed by “Mapping the Vulnerability of Mountain Peoples to Food Insecurity”, a study conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization in collaboration with the Mountain Partnership Secretariat. According to...

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Action in mountains vital to global goals

Action in mountains vital to global goals

peak to peak

 Issue 93 – Month 6 – Year 2016

The June issue of Peak to Peak begins with the coverage of an MPS event where United Nations diplomats called for efforts to address the rising rate of food insecurity in mountainous areas...

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A fête for nature, land, oceans and mountains

A fête for nature, land, oceans and mountains


For the third consecutive year, Earth Day Italia brought the “Village for the Earth” to Rome. An intense four days were dedicated to celebrating Earth Day, the most significant edition since the series saw its start. In fact, on 22 April 2016, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and world leaders...

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Method for climate adaptation in the mountains

Method for climate adaptation in the mountains


Active Remedy Ltd submitted a report - outlining a method/tool for working with mountain communities and integrating modern and traditional knowledge conservation approaches – to a United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) database. The worldwide database gathers various uses of Local, Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Practices for...

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