Mountains under Watch 2013 (MUW13)

Mountains under Watch 2013 (MUW13)


Mountains Under Watch is an interdisciplinary conference that aims at bringing together scientists and experts working in the diverse fields of climate change studies in mountain areas around the world. The specific goal of the conference is to share experiences, methods and strategies for long term observations and monitoring of...

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Climate and insect pests in Eastern Africa

Climate and insect pests in Eastern Africa


A four-year research and development project on the impacts of climate change on insect pests in eastern African mountains is underway in Kenya, coordinated by the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology.

The Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Food Security in Eastern Africa (CHIESA) Project 2011–2015 targets...

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New Regional Initiative for Mountains agreed for the MENA region

New Regional Initiative for Mountains agreed for the MENA region


Over 15 representatives from the Middle East and North African (MENA) region met in Marrakech this week to discuss the effects of climate change in mountains.

After two days of fruitful discussions, they agreed to form a Regional Initiative for Mountains in the MENA Region within the context...

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Doha Climate Summit outcomes

Doha Climate Summit outcomes


The 195 parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) approved a complex package called “The Doha Climate Gateway” at December’s UN Climate Change Conference - Conference of the Parties (COP 18) in Doha, Qatar. The Doha Gateway, while setting no new targets, marks a second phase with...

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Mountains and Climate Change: A Global Concern

Mountains and Climate Change: A Global Concern


Whether we live at sea level or higher, we are connected to mountains and affected by them in more ways than we can imagine. Mountains provide most of the world's freshwater, harbour a rich variety of plants and animals, and are home to one in ten people.

Yet, each day, environmental...

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CIRCLE-2: Workshop on Uncertainty and Climate Change Adaptation

CIRCLE-2: Workshop on Uncertainty and Climate Change Adaptation


The CIRCLE-2 Joint Initiative is promoting the Workshop on Uncertainty and Climate Change Adaptation. The Workshop will be conducted in English and will be held in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, in Portugal. The main goals of this event are to promote discussion and contribute with...

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