Climate change certificate programme in Nepal

Climate change certificate programme in Nepal


To address the growing challenges of climate change and disaster risk reduction, 70 district officials in the Chitwan District, Nepal gathered on 14 February to start a four-month certification programme in climate change. The certificate programme has been organized by the Chitwan District Development Committee, Government of Nepal with technical...

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UVU discusses mountains and the 2030 Agenda

UVU discusses mountains and the 2030 Agenda


The Permanent Representative of Kenya to the United Nations, Ambassador Macharia Kamau, gave a lecture on the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for Utah Valley University (UVU) faculty and students on 9 February 2017. During the special meeting, student representatives from the Utah International Mountain Forum...

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A festival on Portugal

A festival on Portugal's highest mountain


Throughout the month of January, a festival took place on the highest mountain of Portugal: Pico Island, Azores. With a programme packed full of art exhibitions, book launches, film screenings, presentations, mountain hikes, ballets, musical compositions and presentations by visual artists working on mountain-themed art and products, the Montanha Pico...

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In memoriam: Ermanno Zanini

In memoriam: Ermanno Zanini


It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Professor Ermanno Zanini on 9 February 2017 in Turin, Italy at the age of 71. A professor of Soil Science at the University of Turin from 1990 to November 2015, Zanini was not only the founder of...

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Trees, forests and water: cool insights for a hot world

Trees, forests and water: cool insights for a hot world


Forests’ many life-sustaining functions as prime regulators within the water, energy and carbon cycles are still not universally recognized, a fact that the world ignores at its peril, a new article cautions. To address climate change and land misuse, global action should be realigned to prioritize trees’ and forests’ key...

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EUSALP General Assembly I

EUSALP General Assembly I


The first General Assembly of the European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) under the Bavarian presidency will convene in Rottach-Egern, Germany on 13 February 2017. The General Assembly is constituted by the Ministers for European Affairs of the participating States and regions as well as the European Commissioner...

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