United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2022)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2022)


Resolution approved by the United Nations General Assembly on sustainable mountain development at seventy-seventh session. A/RES/77/172

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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2022)

United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2022)


Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development

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Launching event of the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development

Launching event of the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development

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The May 2022 issue of Peak to Peak highlights the opening ceremony of the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development 2022. Top news stories cover the release of the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment's new global mountain inventory, a workshop hosted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's World Network...

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International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, 2022

International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, 2022


On 16 December 2021, the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution proclaiming 2022 the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development at the proposal of the Kyrgyz Government. The resolution was sponsored by 94 governments and invites the Mountain Partnership to facilitate the observance of this Year.


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Fifth World Congress on Disaster Management

Fifth World Congress on Disaster Management


The Fifth World Congress on Disaster Management (WCDM-2021) is being organised in New Delhi from 24 to 27 November 2021 to deliberate on three critical issues that pose the serious challenges as well as hold the possible promises of building resilience to disasters. These are technology, finance and capacity. The...

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WMO High Mountain Summit Call to Action: Avoiding the Impending Crisis in Mountain Weather, Climate, Snow, Ice and Water - Pathways to a Sustainable Global Future

WMO High Mountain Summit Call to Action: Avoiding the Impending Crisis in Mountain Weather, Climate, Snow, Ice and Water - Pathways to a Sustainable Global Future


The participants at the High Mountain Summit 2019 following engaging presentations and inter- and trans-disciplinary dialogues, have committed to the goal that people living in mountains and those living downstream shall have open access to and use of ‘fit-for-purpose’ hydrological, meteorological and climate information services that address their need to...

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