Climate change may push Andean species skyward

Climate change may push Andean species skyward


A new study led by researchers at Duke University has identified and mapped hundreds of endemic plant and animal species across 17,000 miles of east-facing Andean uplift, a section ranging through Bolivia and Peru. It found that only 20 percent of areas with the highest levels of biodiversity are protected...

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Can We Construct Urban Communities That Conserve Biodiversity?

Can We Construct Urban Communities That Conserve Biodiversity?


For the first time in our history, more people live in urban vs. rural areas and humans continue to move into cities. Cities have huge impacts on our natural resources. Urban dwellers consume vast amounts of energy, produce waste, and alter landscapes to the point where native plant and animal...

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Rare wheat from the mountains of Tajikistan at Arctic seed vault

Rare wheat from the mountains of Tajikistan at Arctic seed vault


Rare wheat collected from the “Roof of the World” in the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan; amaranth, barley and once-forgotten forage crops that could sustain livestock in these climatestressed times are among the seed samples arriving this week for the fourth birthday of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV). The Global...

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Conference: Planet Under Pressure 2012 - 26-29 March 2012, London, UK

Conference: Planet Under Pressure 2012 - 26-29 March 2012, London, UK


The 2012 international Planet Under Pressure conference will take place from 26 to 29 March 2012 in London, UK. The conference aims to provide a comprehensive and scientific update on the pressure that planet Earth is now under. Global sustainability scientists, decision-makers in policy, development, business and the wider non-government...

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Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountain Areas - Stuttgart, Germany, 16-18 April 2012

Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountain Areas - Stuttgart, Germany, 16-18 April 2012


A Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountain Areas will take place from 16 to 18 April 2012 at the Hohenheim University in Stuttgart, Germany. The conference is organized by the Uplands Program, with funds from the German Research Foundation. The conference will focus on a number...

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New publication online - Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Highlands of Eastern Africa

New publication online - Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Highlands of Eastern Africa


The book “Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Highlands of Eastern Africa” has been recently published and is available online for free download. This publication collects research, methodological innovation, and lessons learned in the African Highlands Initiative (AHI), an eco-regional research-for-development program operating in the eastern African highlands. The editors...

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