FAO/Mountain Partnership Secretariat at Earth Day Italia 2014

FAO/Mountain Partnership Secretariat at Earth Day Italia 2014


The 44th annual celebration of Earth Day featured a photo exhibition at the Maxxi Museum of 21st Century Arts in Rome, Italy. Organized by Earth Day Italia and Shoot4Change, the portraits depict managers of sustainable food production systems, botanical researchers and eco-carpenters amongst the 'heroes of the planet.' "Twenty-three Italian...

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Mountains and the Sustainable Development Goals – a call to action

Mountains and the Sustainable Development Goals – a call to action


Mountains and the Sustainable Development Goals – a call to action

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Why Mountains Matter for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

Why Mountains Matter for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction – a call to action on the sustainable development goals


Why Mountains Matter for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

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 United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2014)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2014)


Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at 68th Session.


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Building resilience to climate change in mountain areas

Building resilience to climate change in mountain areas


Mountain countries and organizations urged the UN on 8 January 2014 in New York, USA, to include mountains in the Post-2015 development agenda as they are ‘vital to sustainable development’. Read more

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Impacts of Global Climate Change on Snow, Glaciers and Water Resources in the Andes

Impacts of Global Climate Change on Snow, Glaciers and Water Resources in the Andes


This science and policy workshop, organized by the Consortium for Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), will bring together researchers and policy makers to work on policy recommendations for adaptation strategies on global change impacts...

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