MP members hold event at snow leopard forum

MP members hold event at snow leopard forum


The side event “Practitioner’s Lab on community-based conservation in the Central Tien Shan for the protection of snow leopards and their prey species” took place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on 24 August 2017 in the framework of the Global Snow Leopard Forum, which was hosted by the Government of Kyrgyzstan. The...

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International Congress of Highlands and Mountain Ecosystems

International Congress of Highlands and Mountain Ecosystems


On 12-14 July 2017, the International Congress of Highlands and Mountain Ecosystems, "Towards a regional vision of the Andes mountains", will be held in Bogotá, Colombia. The Congress will be conducted within the framework of Mountains' Week, which will consist of six days of events related to the technical, scientific...

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Mountain village alliance holds annual meeting

Mountain village alliance holds annual meeting


The Alliance of Central Asian Mountain Communities (AGOCA) convened an annual meeting that brought together 15 members for three days of intensive exchange about the progress accomplished on projects and the remaining challenges of Territorial Public Self-Governances (TPS). The meeting was held on 15-17 June 2017 in ‘Kun-Elek’ village,...

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Mountain newspaper wins Energy Globe Award

Mountain newspaper wins Energy Globe Award


Aiyl Demi, a monthly Kyrgyz-language newspaper designed to serve remote mountain communities, has won the Energy Globe Award in the national category for Kyrgyzstan. Also referred to as the “Oscar of the environment”, the Energy Globe Award was founded in 1999 by Austrian energy pioneer Wolfgang Neumann and is one...

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Mount Kenya Three Peaks Climb

Mount Kenya Three Peaks Climb


The Mount Kenya Trust (MKT) invites you to come and climb the three peaks of Mount Kenya to raise vital mountain conservation funds for the MKT, an NGO working to protect the wildlife, forest and people of Africa's second highest peak. The climbing options available include Lenana (non-technical),...

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Climate change certificate programme in Nepal

Climate change certificate programme in Nepal


To address the growing challenges of climate change and disaster risk reduction, 70 district officials in the Chitwan District, Nepal gathered on 14 February to start a four-month certification programme in climate change. The certificate programme has been organized by the Chitwan District Development Committee, Government of Nepal with technical...

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