Climathon 2019

Climathon 2019


Climate-kic organizes an annual Climathon 24-hour hackathon aimed at empowering thousands of innovators worldwide to help achieve a global goal of zero emissions. Cities identify their climate challenges and call on citizens, city officials and partners to participate in the event to innovate creative solutions to these issues. Last year,...

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Eco-mountain guiding course for youth in Pakistan

Eco-mountain guiding course for youth in Pakistan


The second phase of the Swat Project – an eco-compatible mountaineering course for local young people in the Swat region of Pakistan – has just been completed.

The project, organized by Mountain Wilderness International (MWI), began in September 2018 when MWI instructors trained 21 students on a two-week course in the...

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Principality of Andorra promotes sustainable agriculture

Principality of Andorra promotes sustainable agriculture


To the broader European public, the Principality of Andorra is mostly known as a far-away place in the Pyrenean valley, most notable for being a skiing destination and a shopping haven for tourists. Andorra is located in an exceptional mountainous environment, with high air and water quality, with almost 15...

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Milano Montagna Week

Milano Montagna Week


The new Milano Montagna Week, hosted by the Municipality of Milan and Milano Montagna, is a week dedicated to mountains and the outdoors. There will be city-wide events throughout the week of 14 to 20 October, with main events occurring during the “Sustainable Outdoor Days”, 17 to 20 October. Mountain...

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The Mountain Partnership Products Initiative: selected as a Best Practice for Expo 2020 Dubai

The Mountain Partnership Products Initiative: selected as a Best Practice for Expo 2020 Dubai


The Mountain Partnership Products (MPP) Initiative has been selected as one of 25 Best Practices out of 1 175 from around the world to be spotlighted at Expo 2020 Dubai’s Global Best Practice Programme.

The platform showcases projects that have provided tangible solutions to the world’s biggest...

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Peruvian scientists trace Humboldt’s footsteps through Páramo

Peruvian scientists trace Humboldt’s footsteps through Páramo


The Mountain Institute (TMI), in collaboration with the Lima Geographical Society and scholars at the Pontíficia Universidad Católica del Peru, sponsored and organized an expedition in northern Peru to retrace geographer and naturalist Alexander von Humboldt’s 1802 route. This summer, an interdisciplinary team of mostly Peruvian scientists studied the remote...

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