Balance for better: men for gender equality in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

Balance for better: men for gender equality in the Hindu Kush Himalaya


Message by International Centre on Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Director General, David Molden on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2019.

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are prerequisites for prosperous societies. To begin a conscious shift towards such a future, we must understand that although gender is merely a social construct...

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Platform for climate services launches in the Central Andes

Platform for climate services launches in the Central Andes


The Center for Highland Studies (Centro de Estudios de Alta Montaña, CEAM) in cooperation with the Agricultural Secretariat of the Quindío Department, in the Central Andes of Colombia, launched the “Inputs for the creation and implementation of a Water Fund and the generation of Climate Services for the...

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Fair price campaign: promoting equitable prices for high value agricultural products

Fair price campaign: promoting equitable prices for high value agricultural products

peak to peak

Issue 124 – Month 3 – Year 2019

The March 2019 issue of Peak to Peak starts by discussing the Mountain Partnership that took place in Rome, Italy to promote equitable prices for high value agricultural products. The newsletter continues with stories about studying mountain heritage in Ecuador, and the new...

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4th UNWTO Euro-Asian Mountain Tourism Conference

4th UNWTO Euro-Asian Mountain Tourism Conference


The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is organizing the 4th UNWTO Euro-Asian Mountain Tourism Conference, on 2-5 March 2019, in Berchtesgaden, Germany, jointly with the Berchtesgadener Land Region, and supported by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany.

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Launching product design from mountains

Launching product design from mountains


Mountain Partnership member Fundacion CoMunidad, the Parsons School of Design in New York City and the local mountain population of La Yeguada in Panama have partnered up to create household products using a blend of non-timber forest resources and waste from pine timber cut-offs.

Conducted by students at Parsons,...

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Fair price campaign: promoting equitable prices for high value agricultural products

Fair price campaign: promoting equitable prices for high value agricultural products


Members of FAO’s Mountain Partnership, together with key Italian organizations working on social issues, equitable financing and conservation, met at Italy’s Ministry of Agriculture in Rome on Monday to address the challenges involved in achieving fair prices for agricultural products and encouraging consumers to make more informed choices.

The conference, convened...

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