KIRDARC shares news of its work in Nepal

KIRDARC shares news of its work in Nepal


The 2015 Quarterly Reflection edition of the electronic newsletter of the Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre (KIRDARC) opens with a story about an “umbrella rally” that KIRDARC hosted in Nepal. During the event, organized to mark Global Divestment Day, young people held open umbrellas to symbolize that...

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Early career mountain sentinels

Early career mountain sentinels


In an effort to attract new, young minds to the Mountain Sentinels Collaborative Network, (MSCN), the Early Career Mountain Sentinels group was created which began as a brief cocktails and tapas event at Perth III in October 2015. “We were thrilled by the interest and excitement of the group, many...

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Mountain award winner launches campaign

Mountain award winner launches campaign


Since becoming the third recipient of the UIAA Mountain Protection Award (MPA) in late 2015, the team at KTK-BELT, led by Rajeev Goyal and Priyanka Bista, has invested the Award prize money in mapping existing vegetation, wildlife habitats, hazards along with planning possibilities in the Sikti conservation area in Nepal....

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State of the Alps to be presented

State of the Alps to be presented


The Italian Ministry of Environment, in its role as Italian Delegation to the Alpine Convention, is hosting a meeting to present the Fifth Report on the State of the Alps: Demographic changes in the Alps: population, employment, education and services on 10 February in Brussels, Belgium.


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Second Montanha Pico Festival triples audience

Second Montanha Pico Festival triples audience


The launch of two books, "Montanhas" by Planeta Tangerina, led by illustrator Madalena Matoso, complete with activities for children, and "Passo a Passo" by Pedro Cuiça, about trekking and walking in the mountains, closed a successful second edition of the festival promoted by MiratecArts in Portugal.

Filmmaker Luis Filipe...

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A very successful International Mountain Day

A very successful International Mountain Day

peak to peak

Issue 89 – Month 2 – Year 2016

The February issue of Peak to Peak opens with a story about the celebration of International Mountain Day (IMD) on 11 December 2015, which included 67 worldwide events in more than 30 countries. The newsletter also highlights IMD festivities...

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