Climate change impacts on mountainous regions of the world

Climate change impacts on mountainous regions of the world


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Hydrological and Man and Biosphere programmes is organizing a one month exhibition at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. The exhibition will feature satellite images of mountain regions focusing on the natural heritage and biosphere reserves in mountainous regions. The...

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Mountain Project Management 2015/16

Mountain Project Management 2015/16


The University of Milan approved the advanced course, “Mountain Project Management 2015/16,” which will take place at Mountain University – a branch of the University of Milan – in Edolo, Italy.

The objective of the course is to provide participants with fund-raising instruments for the development of projects...

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40th Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival

40th Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival


Every autumn for nine days the Banff Centre allows audiences to experience mountain adventures, cultures and environments portrayed in films, books, and photos. The renowned international film, book and photo competitions are opportunities to see films, book presentations, images and guest speakers from around the world.

Awards are given for a...

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Bolivian Places of Music

Bolivian Places of Music


The Banff Centre in Banff, Canada, will preview this photo exhibition by photographer Craig Richards taken during two research missions to Bolivia with Museo della Montagna. The exhibition explores the relationships between the Bolivian landscape, peoples, festivities and music and how music from rural areas penetrates urban scenes....

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Sign the petition for mountains

Sign the petition for mountains


The current draft of the international climate change agreement has a proposed mention of mountains, which the petition being circulated by the Mountain Partnership (MP) aims to retain in the final draft. (Please sign the petition here.) The online petition calls on delegates at the 21st session of...

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Governance approaches for mountain ecosystems

Governance approaches for mountain ecosystems


Since 2015 is the year of Sustainable Development and the United Nations Sustainable Development goals (UN SDG) have now been launched, the topic of sustainable development has been much explored through research and debate, but not much seen in practice. Over the next fifteen years, the world aims to become...

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