Central Asian forum focuses on mountains

Central Asian forum focuses on mountains


More than 120 representatives of organizations from across Central Asia and from around the world whose work is dedicated to the concerns of mountain societies and environments, gathered on 8 June 2015 in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, for the first Forum of Mountain Countries to take place in Central Asia,...

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Mountain Farming Is Family Farming

Mountain Farming Is Family Farming


Mountain farming takes many forms – forms as diverse as the world’s mountain landscapes – yet largely remains family farming. These mountain farming activities have traditionally fed and supported individual households although, today, they have begun to expand increasingly toward global markets. Yet, mountain farmers still tend to be driven...

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Improving rural Indian Himalayan livelihoods

Improving rural Indian Himalayan livelihoods


"The farmers in Nepal are doing extremely well in their honeybee enterprises and niche product making despite extremely challenging situations in their remote locations. When they can perform well regardless of adverse conditions, why can't we go for a larger scale with readily available flora and resources along with favourable...

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Dushanbe Forum of Mountain Countries 2015: Water and Mountains

Dushanbe Forum of Mountain Countries 2015: Water and Mountains


The Dushanbe Forum of Mountain Countries 2015: Water and Mountains will be held on June 08, 2015 at Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan.

The Forum is organized by the Central Asia Mountain Hub (hosted by University of Central Asia), jointly with the State Committee on Environmental Protection, the...

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FAO calls for change in the way we produce food

FAO calls for change in the way we produce food


"We need to change the way we produce food," Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva said today in a World Environment Day speech advocating creating positive connections between food, agriculture...

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Emblematic Mediterranean mountain network

Emblematic Mediterranean mountain network


The birthplace of many civilisations, the  sea, is surrounded by three continents: a sea among lands. Mountainous peaks rise here and there as the backdrop of these heavily populated costal lands; since most ancient time, they have guided seamen to reach their port safe and sound.

These landscapes, stretching from...

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