African Mountains Status Report

African Mountains Status Report


African Mountains Status Report provides an overview of the status, trends and threats facing mountain environments and communities. The 36-page report, produced by Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS) with financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), comprises five chapters, infographics, case studies...

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New book outlines state of Africa’s mountains

New book outlines state of Africa’s mountains


Climate change, population growth, land-use changes and political instability are the primary causes of environmental degradation in Africa’s mountains today. Covering an estimated three million square kilometres of the continent’s surface, mountains in Africa provide life-supporting goods and services, such as water, food and energy, for millions in the region,...

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Peru: Mountain Country - Facing the Challenges of Climate Change

Peru: Mountain Country - Facing the Challenges of Climate Change


Climate change, especially visible in mountain ecosystems, is causing glaciers to disappear at an alarming rate, threatening millions of lives dependent on freshwater resources originating from the mountains in Peru.

A bilingual publication titled Peru: Mountain Country / Facing the Challenges of Climate Change, written in English and Spanish, provides testimonies and...

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Draft law on mountains in Georgia

Draft law on mountains in Georgia


Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili says work on the mountain bill will be completed by the end of February. The work on the draft has been underway for several months and the final version of the draft law has already been discussed. The law aims to stop the depopulation of...

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A global network of mountain observatories

A global network of mountain observatories


As follow-up to the Reno Global Fair and Workshop on Mountain Observatories, the leaders of the final summary sessions have decided to scope such a network from a researcher’s perspective. Led by Derek Kauneckis, a political scientist now at the University of Ohio, the group is considering submitting a research proposal...

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Fortifying forests and trees on 21 March

Fortifying forests and trees on 21 March


Forests and trees sustain and protect us in invaluable ways. They provide the clean air that we breathe and the water that we drink. They host and safeguard the planet’s biodiversity and act as our natural defence against climate change. Life on earth is made possible and sustainable thanks to...

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