Observing mountains and sharing knowledge

Observing mountains and sharing knowledge



Mountain Research and Development is planning a Focus Issue on “Observing Mountains and Sharing Knowledge”. The speed, nature, and dimension of changes in mountains pose complex challenges for mountain societies and mountain ecosystems. How can these changes be observed? How can we achieve an integrated perspective of change with...

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The future of European mountain areas discussed

The future of European mountain areas discussed


Three hundred people from more than 15 European countries attended the Ninth European Mountain Convention on “Quality from the Mountains: Prosperity for the People and Territories” on 22-24 October 2014 in Bilbao, Spain. The conference, organized by the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government and Read more »

Family farms: Today and tomorrow

Family farms: Today and tomorrow


Südtiroler Bauernbund, European Academy (EURAC) and the Free University of Bozen have organized, on the occasion of the International Year of Family Farming, a conference on Family Farming. Speakers will include Thomas Kohler from the University of Bern who will talk about mountain agriculture as family business and...

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Mountain pictures to climb social networks

Mountain pictures to climb social networks


Mountains will be in the foreground in the first half of December 2014 when  the Municipality of Dénia in Spain holds a global photo contest on Instagram.

“We love mountains and want the whole world to know how important they are,” said Vicente Chelet of Dénia,  explaining that the...

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Climate Change and Environmental Threats: Protecting Lives and Livelihoods of Mountain People

Climate Change and Environmental Threats: Protecting Lives and Livelihoods of Mountain People


The Ministry of Science Technology and Environment (MOSTE) of Nepal and Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre (KIRDARC) are jointly organizing a conference to build a better understanding of the impacts of climate change and disasters in Nepal’s mountain regions, and explore solutions to address mountain climate change issues....

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Call for papers on Himalayan life

Call for papers on Himalayan life


The Social Science Baha, the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, the Britain-Nepal Academic Council & Centre for Himalayan Studies-CNRS are organizing the Fourth Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya, which will take place on 22-24 July 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal.

For this event,...

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