An Indian alliance to market mountain products

An Indian alliance to market mountain products


Financial inclusion is being implemented in India with great vigor and vitality both by the previous Congress government and the present Modi’s government. Mountainous regions face special challenges to financial inclusion efforts because of their terrain, communication and transport difficulties and the tribal or indigenous nature of their populations.

In 2012,...

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The Alps and the Ardennes share experiences

The Alps and the Ardennes share experiences


A workshop strengthened the connection between two mountain areas in the heart of Europe - the Alps and the Ardennes. International, national, regional and local authorities, the scientific community and other individuals interested in sustainable mountain development gathered for “The Alps and the Ardennes: experience sharing between bordering mountain areas”...

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Andean countries prepare for a regional mechanism

Andean countries prepare for a regional mechanism

peak to peak

Issue 73 – Month 10 – Year 2014

Our new issue of Peak to Peak opens with news of the Andean countries preparing for a regional mechanism. This example shows that transboundary cooperation can be centred on mountains. We also look at new MP members and activities,...

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Medicinal plants help Nepal’s mountain communities

Medicinal plants help Nepal’s mountain communities


In a tiny village called Chepuwa in the Sankhuwasabha district of Nepal, high in the Himalayas and almost four days’ trek from the nearest road, Mikmar Bhote has been growing and selling medicinal and aromatic plants for five years.

A farmer and mother of four, the income she’s earned...

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The landscape and the UNESCO brand: an Alpine twinning and not only

The landscape and the UNESCO brand: an Alpine twinning and not only


As part of the EXPO Dolomiti 2014 three-day meeting that runs from 26 to 28 September, this workshop is organized by the Italian Presidency of the Alpine Convention in collaboration with Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO and Longarone Fiere. The workshop will take place from 11 am until 1.30 pm at Longarone...

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Site preserves Polish mountain life and culture

Site preserves Polish mountain life and culture


The European Association of Elected Representatives from Mountain Areas in Poland and Wojtowice - Back to the future,  an NGO whose mission is to promote sustainable mountain development (SMD) in Poland’s Klodzko Valley, opened on 19 September 2014 a demo site called “Sudety Demo” in beautiful 3.3- hectar...

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