MP Members write to Governments

MP Members write to Governments


Following this week’s Mountain Partnership’s call for action, several members have taken action with their Governments requesting that mountains receive the attention they deserve in the sustainable development goals process.

Civil society organizations in Kyrgyzstan have written to the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic,  Member of the Italian Parliament,...

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Call for papers on resilience  in mountains

Call for papers on resilience in mountains


Mountain Research and Development (MRD) is seeking policy- and practice-oriented, well-validated insights into the effectiveness of disaster risk reduction and recovery approaches in mountains, as well as papers that present novel research findings on processes of natural hazards and disasters from a social-ecological systems perspective and on mountain communities’ and environments’ resilience and...

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Call for papers – Journal of Alpine Research

Call for papers – Journal of Alpine Research


The Journal of Alpine Research/Revue de Géographie Alpine has issued a call for papers on “Mountains as global suppliers: New forms of disparities between mountains and the metropolitan nodes” to broaden the understanding of mountain resources (crops, raw materials as well as leisure and residence) as an emerging issue in the...

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Rosalaura Romeo - Mountain Partnership Secretariat at the World Environment Day seminar

Rosalaura Romeo - Mountain Partnership Secretariat at the World Environment Day seminar


Rosalaura Romeo from the Mountain Partnership of FAO during the seminar “Intelligent territories: opportunities for future investment - social, environmental and financial innovation.”  Organized by Earth Day Italia at FAO for the 42nd World Environment Day.   

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Final call for mountains

Final call for mountains


As the final round of discussions on the sustainable development goals (SDG) comes to a close, Mountain Partnership members are rallying support to ensure that recognition of mountains and the goods and services they provide to humankind are duly recognized and included in the final SDG document.

“The latest draft is...

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Costa Rica Mountains saved from forest fires

Costa Rica Mountains saved from forest fires


In March 2014, a severe forest fire took place on the southeast region of Costa Rica. It spread to the mountains of Chirripó National Park, which are the tallest of the country (3820 m) and are located in the Amistad Pacífico Conservation Area.

Fragile ecosystems such as the moors and cloud...

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