The first Inter-Polar Conference: Connecting the Arctic with the Third Pole - the Hindu Kush Himalaya

The first Inter-Polar Conference: Connecting the Arctic with the Third Pole - the Hindu Kush Himalaya


The Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) are jointly organizing the first Inter-Polar Conference in collaboration with the UArctic Chairs in Arctic Legal Research and Education and the Law Thematic Network.

The Arctic and the Third Pole - the Hindu Kush Himalaya...

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State of Climate Action in Nepal, 2023: Second Citizen Assessment

State of Climate Action in Nepal, 2023: Second Citizen Assessment


This report, entitled "State of Climate Action in Nepal-2023: Second Assessment", brought endeavours and accomplishments mainly from the civil society perspective with key ways forward in addressing critical climate issues in Nepal. Building on the previous "State of Climate Action in Nepal" report published in 2018, Climate Action Network South Asia-Nepal (CANSA-Nepal) continues...

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Observatory will lead a EUR 20-million climate adaptation project in the Pyrenees

Observatory will lead a EUR 20-million climate adaptation project in the Pyrenees


The Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP) through the Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) is leading the new PYRENEES4CLIMA project in which 46 other Andorran, French and Spanish entities are participating, with the aim to strengthen resilience in the Pyrenees through the application of climate adaptation measures. This PYRENEES4CLIMA project...

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IPROMO Latinoamericano 2023

IPROMO Latinoamericano 2023


El curso está dirigido a implementadores/as de programas, proyectos y/o políticas relacionadas con la gestión sostenible de socio-ecosistemas de montaña, tanto del sector público como privado a nivel de toda Latinoamérica, que trabajen bajo el paraguas de objetivos de sostenibilidad en paisajes de altura.

El objetivo del curso es mejorar las...

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MPS announces updates to mountain funding and education databases

MPS announces updates to mountain funding and education databases

peak to peak

The September 2023 issue of Peak to Peak announces updates to the Mountain Partnership's online education and mountain resource mobilization databases. Top news stories cover a village in the Greater Caucasus region of Azerbaijan developing a participatory land-use plan to protect mountain soils, Mountain Partnership (MP) member The Little Earth...

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Empowering youth voices in Central Asia: OSCE summer school spurs engagement on climate change and security in mountain areas

Empowering youth voices in Central Asia: OSCE summer school spurs engagement on climate change and security in mountain areas


From 17 to 26 August 2023, 20 young people from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan gathered in the northern Tian Shan mountains in eastern Kyrgyzstan to learn about climate-related security risks in mountain areas and deliberate on innovative solutions and collective actions to mitigate these risks.

The summer school was...

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