Commitment from Asian mountain experts on climate change

Commitment from Asian mountain experts on climate change


Experts from Asian mountains committed themselves to working together for social and ecological resilience to climate change at the Regional Workshop on Climate Change Impacts in Asian Mountains in Kathmandu, Nepal, 13-15 March.


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Call for case studies for new publication on Mountain Family Farming

Call for case studies for new publication on Mountain Family Farming


The Mountain Partnership Secretariat, the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) are planning a publication on mountain family farming to coincide with the 2014 UN International Year of Family Farming, in partnership with other key institutions.


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Forests and Water: International Momentum and Action

Forests and Water: International Momentum and Action


Forests play a crucial role in the hydrological cycle. A key challenge faced by land, forest and water managers is to maximize the wide range of forest benefits without detriment to water resources and ecosystem function. With partners, FAO is working to develop a comprehensive and practical international forests and...

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Mountain children draw for the International Day of Forests

Mountain children draw for the International Day of Forests


The Association of Forest and Land Users of Kyrgyzstan organized a competition of children’s drawings in the remote mountainous village of Kochkorka for the first International Forest Day, 21 March 2013.

The drawings were on show during a meeting of Mountain Partnership members based in Kyrgyzstan on March 19...

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‘Vulture restaurants’ among Maloti Drakensberg conservation efforts

‘Vulture restaurants’ among Maloti Drakensberg conservation efforts


Highly endangered Bearded Vultures are dining out at special ‘vulture restaurants’ as part of conservation efforts in the Maloti and Drakensberg mountains.

The restaurants provide animal carcasses for the birds to feed on safe meat undisturbed, after their decline has been hastened by farmers lacing carcasses with poison to kill livestock...

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 New Mountain Research and Development issue online

New Mountain Research and Development issue online


A new issue of Mountain Research and Development is now available online.

Topics examined include adaptive capacity in hill farming, institutional and ecological aspects of rangeland management, geospatial selection of reforestation areas, effects of air pollution and other abiotic conditions on mountain forests, improved vegetation classification, downscaling of climate projections, land...

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