Teaching Resource Kit for Mountain Countries (UNESCO)

Teaching Resource Kit for Mountain Countries (UNESCO)


This environmental education kit for mountain countries is intended for secondary (and late primary) school teachers and their pupils.

Prepared by UNESCO’s Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences under its Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, the kit offers a creative approach to environmental education and is designed to...

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UNESCO launches Spanish version of mountain education kit

UNESCO launches Spanish version of mountain education kit


UNESCO has launched a Spanish version of its environmental education kit for mountain countries.

The kit, which was launched in English and French last year, is intended for secondary and late primary school teachers and their pupils.

Prepared by UNESCO’s Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences under its...

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Dam building in the Indian Himalayas threatens biodiversity

Dam building in the Indian Himalayas threatens biodiversity


Unprecedented dam building in the Indian Himalayas holds serious consequences for biodiversity and could pose a threat to human lives and livelihoods, a new study has found.

A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore, the University of Delhi and the Kunming Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy...

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MOUNTFOR mountain forest centre to open in Italy

MOUNTFOR mountain forest centre to open in Italy


The European Forest Institute and the Edmund Mach Foundation have announced a new mountain forest project centre in northern Italy.

The MOUNTFOR Consortium will be located in San Michele all’Adige, Italy, and will aim to provide a scientific basis for the sustainable management of mountain forests. The centre will also help...

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New ‘GeoPortal’ for Fouta Djallon Highlands

New ‘GeoPortal’ for Fouta Djallon Highlands


The Fouta Djallon Highlands Integrated Natural Resources Management Project, implemented jointly by the African Union (AU), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), held a regional conference and training workshop in Dakar, Senegal from 10 to 16 December...

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UNEP publication on Kenyan Montane Forests

UNEP publication on Kenyan Montane Forests


UNEP and partners have published a new report, ‘The Role and Contribution of Montane Forests and Related Ecosystem Services to the Kenyan Economy’. 

The montane forests of Kenya produce direct economic value for its citizens, not only from the production of various timber- and non-timber forest products, but also from...

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