International Mountain Day marks 10th anniversary

International Mountain Day marks 10th anniversary

peak to peak

Issue 53 - Month 12 - Year 2012


Our new issue of the Peak to Peak newsletter is launched on International Mountain Day 2012, a day in which we celebrate and raise awareness about mountains worldwide. Ten years after the...

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Verbier World Mountain Forum 2012

Verbier World Mountain Forum 2012


The World Mountain Forum (WMF) takes place on 11 December and this year is dedicated to the Swiss mountains, and especially to the local region of Val de Bagnes. This year's WMF is divided into two parts, the first focusing on water and energy in the Swiss mountain regions and...

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International Mountain Day 2012

International Mountain Day 2012


Today is International Mountain Day! We have been marking the day since 2002, when the United Nations first designated 11 December as the date to highlight the importance of sustainable mountain development and to build partnerships that will bring positive change to the world’s mountains and highlands.

Whether we...

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Mountains and Climate Change: A Global Concern

Mountains and Climate Change: A Global Concern


Whether we live at sea level or higher, we are connected to mountains and affected by them in more ways than we can imagine. Mountains provide most of the world's freshwater, harbour a rich variety of plants and animals, and are home to one in ten people.

Yet, each day, environmental...

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Message for International Mountain Day 2012

Message for International Mountain Day 2012


Thomas Hofer, the Interim Coordinator of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, delivers his message for the UN International Mountain Day 2012 (11 December).

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European Union & ICIMOD launch €11 million Rural Livelihood and Climate Change Adaptation programme in the Himalayan region

European Union & ICIMOD launch €11 million Rural Livelihood and Climate Change Adaptation programme in the Himalayan region


The European Union (EU) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) has signed a €11 million agreement for livelihood development and mitigation of climate change impacts through adaptation. Spanning the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) mountain region, this programme will receive a contribution of €10,000,000 from the EU. The five...

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