Executive Summary of the Mountain Partnership Task Force (2012)


The Task Force meeting took place in the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs during 29-31 October 2012. The aim of this event was to take stock of the achievements and challenges experienced by the Mountain Partnership (MP) during the last ten years, during which the attention to mountains and mountain...

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Kyrgyzstan presented the National Environmental Report

Kyrgyzstan presented the National Environmental Report


State Agency on environment protection and forestry of Kyrgyz Republic (SAEP) has presented the National Environmental Report for 2006-2011.

The report was developed by the agency, jointly with Kyrgyz Statistics Office and other state ministries, under the support of UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative  to provide access to high-quality information on the...

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ECOWAS High level Forum and the First International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference

ECOWAS High level Forum and the First International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference


The Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), in cooperation with the Global Forum for Sustainable Energy (GSFE) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), are organizing a High Level Forum on the theme: “Paving the Way for Sustainable Energy for All in West Africa...

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Bhutan+10: Gender and Sustainable Mountain Development in a Changing World

Bhutan+10: Gender and Sustainable Mountain Development in a Changing World


Some 170 policy makers, researchers and development practitioners from 27 countries came together for the government of Bhutan’s international conference on gender and sustainable mountain development in October. The conference, Bhutan+10: Gender and Sustainable Mountain Development in a Changing World, came a decade after Bhutan organized a global event entitled...

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World Energy Forum 2012

World Energy Forum 2012


The World Energy Forum, which is being held for the first time outside UN Headquarters in New York, seeks to bring together world leaders, international organizations, financial institutions and other stakeholders to discuss progress towards cleaner, safer and more sustainable energy as well as how to achieve universal access to...

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Eighth Session of the UNECA Committee on Food Security and Sustainable Development (CFSSD-8)

Eighth Session of the UNECA Committee on Food Security and Sustainable Development (CFSSD-8)


The UN Economic Commission for Africa's Food Security and Sustainable Development programme aims to strengthen the capacity of Member States to design and implement policies and programmes to reinforce linkages between food security, population, environment and human settlements so as to achieve sustainable development. This meeting is also scheduled to...

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