Producción orgánica de cultivos andinos (FAO)

Este manual es el producto de la sistematización de los saberes ancestrales que aún se practican en el área de la Unión de Organizaciones Campesinas del Norte de Cotopaxi (Ecuador) y de la revisión de otros valiosos trabajos realizados en los Andes ecuatorianos, donde la FAO, contando con...
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Mountain Women in a post-Rio+20 world

Mountain Women in a post-Rio+20 world


Mountain women will come under the spotlight in October as the government of Bhutan holds an international conference on gender and sustainable mountain development.

The conference, Bhutan+10: Gender and Sustainable Mountain Development in a Changing World, is being organized in the context of the Mountain Partnership with key support from the...

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Sustainable Mountain Development, Green Economy and Institutions: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond Global Report (2012) - Final Draft for Rio+20

Sustainable Mountain Development, Green Economy and Institutions: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond Global Report (2012) - Final Draft for Rio+20


In 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development – commonly referred to as ‘Rio 1992’ or ‘the Rio Earth Summit’ – mountains received unexpected high political attention. They were granted a chapter in the ‘Agenda 21’ as fragile ecosystems that matter for humankind.

In view of the UN Conference Rio+20 –...

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UNU-WIDER Conference on Climate Change and Development Policy

UNU-WIDER Conference on Climate Change and Development Policy


The UN University (UNU) and World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) Conference on "Climate Change and Development Policy" aims to reflect on how to balance climate and development objectives. The conference will evaluate how research can inform development policy and identify existing knowledge gaps. Researchers and policy makers will...

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World Clean Technology Summit

World Clean Technology Summit


The World Clean Technology Summit (WCTS) hosted by Pilot International, will be held from 26 to 28 September 2012, in Kampala, Uganda. The Summit will bring together world leaders in renewable energy, exhibitors, investors, scientists and clean technology providers from around the world to engage, interact with each other, exchange...

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Президент Дагестана:"Мы не должны забывать о горной местности"

Президент Дагестана:"Мы не должны забывать о горной местности"


19 сентября 2012 года. Дагестан. Президент Дагестана Магомедсалам Магомедов встретился с членами Ассоциации «Горные территории Дагестана» в рамках своего рабочего визита в Хунзахский район. В поездке главу республики сопровождали: заместитель председателя правительства РД Ризван Газимагомедов, начальник Управления территориального развития и местного самоуправления президента РД Артур Исрапилов, министр сельского хозяйства РД...

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