Bhutan: USD 12 Million for Adaptation Programmes

Bhutan: USD 12 Million for Adaptation Programmes


In what will be the biggest adaptation project to be implemented by Bhutan, the National Environment Commission (NEC) is developing the second phase of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) which is estimated to cost about USD 12 million. NAPA is a mechanism under the United Nations Framework Convention...

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Intergovernamental Negotiating Committee (INC-Forests) - 3 to 7 September 2012, in Bonn, Germany

Intergovernamental Negotiating Committee (INC-Forests) - 3 to 7 September 2012, in Bonn, Germany


At the FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference, held in Oslo from 14 to 16 June 2011, ministers responsible for forests decided to take further international action consisting of the elaboration of a legally binding agreement on forests in Europe and established an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee with the mandate to...

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The Future We Want: Outcome document adopted at Rio+20 - Mountains (2012)


United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain ... The Future We WantOutcome document adopted at Rio+20 - Mountains (2012).


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Colombia has new environmental law to the conservation of National Natural Parks and forests

Colombia has new environmental law to the conservation of National Natural Parks and forests


The President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, approved the environmental law “Gloria Valencia de Castaño” granting tax benefits to contributors who make donations for the conservation of National Natural Parks and the forests of Colombia.

Taxpayers will make donations to the National Parks Unit to fund the conservation of  these parks...

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Международный конкурс для журналистов "Устойчивое управление земельными ресурсами"

Международный конкурс для журналистов "Устойчивое управление земельными ресурсами"


Общественная  организация САМР Кухистон, при поддержке международной, благотворительной организации ОКСФАМ (OXFAM) Великобритания, приглашает профессиональных журналистов принять участие в международном конкурсе «Устойчивое управление земельными ресурсами».

Журналисты и редакции, желающие принять участие в творческом состязании, присылают оригиналы опубликованных материалов, аудио- и видеозаписи. Если материал выполнен на другом языке, к нему нужно приложить перевод...

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International competition for journalists "Sustainable Land Management"

International competition for journalists "Sustainable Land Management"


Non-governmental organization CAMP  Kuhiston, with financial support of the affiliate of Oxfam, UK Association in the Republic of Tajikistan, under its GROW campaign, invites professional journalists to participate in the international competition "Sustainable Land Management".
Journalists and editors who wish to participate in the contest, send the original published material,...

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