Two months to go for the UNFCCC/CDM International Photo, Video and Podcast Contest 2012

Two months to go for the UNFCCC/CDM International Photo, Video and Podcast Contest 2012


The UNFCCC invites you to participate in a contest that aims to select extraordinarily good ways of highlighting the benefits of the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism. The three categories of the contest aim to inspire participants to communicate a complex message in a way that might surprise or even...

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Ten Central African countries agree to improve forest monitoring

Ten Central African countries agree to improve forest monitoring


The forests of Africa's Congo Basin, approximately 200 million hectares, are one of the world's largest primary rainforests, second only to the Amazon. The region's forests support the livelihoods of some 60 million people. A new regional initiative will help ten Central African countries to set up advanced national forest...

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Concordia Rescue Team:  The Alpine Rescue is born

Concordia Rescue Team: The Alpine Rescue is born


It’s born the Alpine Rescue in the Karacorum called “Concordia Rescue Team”. With a team entirely made up of Pakistani qualified personnel and a base on the Concordia Glaciers, it is equipped with a hyperbaric chamber, oxygen cylinders and first aid equipment necessary at high altitude. The team has already...

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43rd Meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum

43rd Meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum


The 43rd meeting of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF 43) will take place from 27-31 August 2012. The meeting will be preceded by a Smaller Islands States (SIS) Leaders’ Meeting and Pacific African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States Leaders’ Meeting. PIF 43 will include a Formal Session, Leaders’...

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Contributions to policy from scientific research - a view from the mountains

Contributions to policy from scientific research - a view from the mountains


The Mountain Research Initiative (TC Americas) and CONDESAN convened a round table discussion, titled “Monitoring of change in mountains: how can research feed policy for sustainable development?” as part of activities in the Mountain Pavilion during the Rio+20 conference. Invited speakers included representatives from Europe, Asia, and North and South...

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Water scarcity in the tropical Andes: Population growth outweighs climate change

Water scarcity in the tropical Andes: Population growth outweighs climate change


As the Earth’s surface warms, climate models predict that the amount of fresh water for human consumption will likely decrease in parts of the globe. While that prospect looms for many cities around the world, a new study finds a more imminent threat to water supplies of cities in the...

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