The future potential of European Mountain forests - Final Conference of the MANFRED project

The future potential of European Mountain forests - Final Conference of the MANFRED project


The Final Conference of the European Project Management Strategies to adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks (MANFRED) will be held on 28 June 2012, on the premises of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome (Italy). The conference, titled “The future potential...

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Кыргызстан на Третьей ассамблее Горного Партнерства в РИО+20

Кыргызстан на Третьей ассамблее Горного Партнерства в РИО+20


Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия. Более 70 представителей правительств горных стран, межправительственных организаций и НПО собрались на Третью Глобальную Встречу Горного Партнерства, которая состоялась 19 июня 2012 года в Горном Павильоне на конференции РИО+20. Горное Партнерство – это инициатива ООН, которая получила свое начало 10 лет назад в Йоханнесбурге.

Как отметили участники ассамблеи, эта...

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Stop talking about the future we want, start acting for the present we need



Mountain Partnership @ Rio+20


Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) In his opening remarks at the high-level event on mountains and Rio+20, held at the Mountain Pavilion on 21 June 2012, Read more »

The retreating Himalayas: disaster in slow motion

The retreating Himalayas: disaster in slow motion


If the unprecedented rate of glacial retreat in the South Asian region is not checked, countries in the area are likely to turn highly food-insecure. Pakistan’s latest Climate Change Policy clearly indicates that freshwater resources in Pakistan are dependent on snow and glacial melting and monsoon rains; all of which...

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Rivers will generate a quarter of GDP by 2050, study shows

Rivers will generate a quarter of GDP by 2050, study shows


The world’s 10 most populous river basins (Ganges, Yangtze, Indus, Nile, Huang He Huai He, Niger, Hai, Krishna and the Danube) will be vital for economic growth – but only if water shortage threats are tackled. Rivers are the very “stuff of life”, yet billions of people do not have...

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President of Peru Ollanta Humala officially opens the Mountain Pavilion



Mountain Partnership @ Rio+20


Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) The Mountain Pavilion was officially opened by President of Peru Ollanta Humala on 20 June 2012. "Mountains have a common denominator, and that is...

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