Namibia hosts African climate negotiators

Namibia hosts African climate negotiators


The African Group of Negotiators (AGN) on Climate Change - a platform for African Member States’ senior officials, experts and negotiators in the United Nations Framework on the Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations - held their preparatory meeting in Windhoek, Namibia, on 17 April 2012. Africa currently faces many...

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The mountain needs to remain a wild place

The mountain needs to remain a wild place


“Mountains should be left wild. Only in this way we can guarantee the future of alpinism and mountains.” This was basically the conclusion of the round table Quo CLIMBis, which took place on Sunday, 6 May 2012 at Castle Firmian. On invitation of the Messner Mountain Museum, world renowned mountaineers...

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Climate change adaptation in Africa

Climate change adaptation in Africa's "living places"


In order to set in motion the development of an enhanced mountain agenda for Africa, international experts, researchers and journalists from Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe met in Mbale, Uganda, for three days (November 2011). Together, they...

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El Ayuntamiento de Dénia (España) celebra el Día Internacional de las Montañas 2011

El Ayuntamiento de Dénia (España) celebra el Día Internacional de las Montañas 2011


Desde que la FAO designó el 11 de diciembre como Día Internacional de las Montañas, la Agenda 21 del Ayuntamiento de Dénia (España) tomó la decisión de sumarse a dicha iniciativa con una fórmula muy singular. Aprovechando las tecnologías existentes, tanto con móviles como de radiofreciencia, se consiguió con la...

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Shared learning session: study tour of Kyrgyz women group to India

Shared learning session: study tour of Kyrgyz women group to India


When the Mountain Partnership Central Asia Hub (MPCA) hub was approached by a group of women-entrepreneurs inspired by their 10-day visit to India telling us of their need in sharing their experience and new knowledge, we welcomed the idea by offering one of our knowledge sharing platforms as SLS...

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Training on Rapid Rural Appraisal

Training on Rapid Rural Appraisal


The Mountain Partnership Central Asia Hub (MPCA) and MSRC/UCA held a one-day introductory training on Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) techniques on April 27, 2012. The objective of the training was to provide participants with an introduction to RRA and its key methodological principles, as well as to familiarize participants with the...

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