Mustang Advocacy Summit participants endorse the Mustang Declaration

Mustang Advocacy Summit participants endorse the Mustang Declaration


On 20-21 September 2022, national governments, international agencies, and Mountain Partnership members joined together in Nepal for the Mustang Advocacy Summit (MAS 2022) to raise awareness about the impact of climate change in mountain regions. The objective of the Summit was to draw attention to the issues and challenges faced...

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Origin, Diversity, and Territories Forum 2022

Origin, Diversity, and Territories Forum 2022


The Origin, Diversity, and Territories (ODT) Forum 2022 aims to open up arenas for debate on the issue of global ecosystem health, policy solutions for sustainable transition at different territorial scales and the future roles of food systems. The ODT Forum community will gather around these themes in the town...

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“Minga” for the sustainable development of mountains in Ecuador

“Minga” for the sustainable development of mountains in Ecuador


On 13 September 2022, the Community of Practice Minga de la Montaña (Minga of the Mountain) was launched in Latacunga, Ecuador, with the participation of 120 people.

Minga is a tradition of several Indigenous Peoples of South America that stands for community and collaborative work for purposes of social utility or...

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World Food Forum

World Food Forum


This year, the World Food Forum (WFF) has adopted the theme “Healthy Diets. Healthy Planet.” in order to raise awareness about the connections between dietary and planetary health. The Forum aims to co-identify bold, actionable solutions to minimize and mitigate climate change impacts in our lifetime while simultaneously increasing global...

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Letter dated 30 September 2022 from the Permanent Representative of Kyrgyzstan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

Letter dated 30 September 2022 from the Permanent Representative of Kyrgyzstan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General


Taking into consideration the declaration of 2022 as the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development and following the High-Level Meeting on Sustainable Mountain Development held in New York City on September 19, 2022, the members of the Group of Friends of Mountainous Countries, comprising of Andorra, Austria, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan,...

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Romania celebrates National Mountain Day

Romania celebrates National Mountain Day


Romania celebrates National Mountain Day every year on 14 September, which marks the end of the traditional grazing season in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains. "Mountains matter! Keep the mountains clean" was the theme of National Mountain Day 2022.

Between 14 and 17 September 2022, Romania hosted the second edition of its...

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