Migration and Sustainable Mountain Development: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Migration and Sustainable Mountain Development: Turning Challenges into Opportunities


This issue is part of the Sustainable Mountain Development Series published by Mountain Research and Development, the leading international scientific journal specifically devoted to sustainable development in the world’s mountains. This edition of the publication concerns rural populations' migrations: its challenges and complexities, and how to implement policies.

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IMD celebrated in over 35 countries in 2018

IMD celebrated in over 35 countries in 2018

peak to peak

The February 2019 issue of Peak to Peak starts by discussing IMD 2018 celebrations that took place in over 35 countries. The newsletter continues with stories about revitalizing mountains through agriculture and tourism, and exploring mountain food systems. 

Peak to Peak provides a sampling of Mountain Partnership members’ activities and events...

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Indigenous mountain youth spotlight - Jessica Vega

Indigenous mountain youth spotlight - Jessica Vega


An interview with Jessica Vega 

1. Please introduce yourself and the work you are doing for the Latin American Indigenous Youth Network and the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus. 

The Latin American Indigenous Youth Network (Red de Jóvenes indígena de América Latina) is composed of collectives and grassroots organisations promoting human rights...

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The Suusamyr Declaration


The future of mountain indigenous peoples depends above all on the maintenance of the sacred relationship between our cultures and water, air, plants, pastures, animals, mountains, and respect for the wisdom of our elders and the sacred position of women.



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The Indigenous Mountain Peoples Database is live!

The Indigenous Mountain Peoples Database is live!


The Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) in close collaboration with the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) has developed a database and an interactive map which connects indigenous mountain communities and the mountain range they inhabit.

The scope of this project is to raise awareness about indigenous mountain peoples...

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Highlighting indigenous mountain food systems

Highlighting indigenous mountain food systems


Discussing what is needed to maintain indigenous food systems in mountain areas was the primary focus of a session held during the High-Level Expert Seminar on Indigenous Food Systems. The seminar was hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome, Italy from 7-9 November 2018.

 The Mountain Partnership Secretariat Coordinator,...

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