United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Rendering assistance to poor mountain countries to overcome obstacles in socio-economic and ecological areas (2005)


Resolution adopted by the General Assembly at the 59th Session.


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Mountain Partnership Organization, Membership and Governance (2004)

Mountain Partnership Organization, Membership and Governance (2004)


Mountain Partnership Organization, Membership and Governance. This document was developed through a consultative process with the members of the Mountain Partnership and finalized in July 2004.


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Declaration of the Andes (2004)


The Declaration of the Andes, 29 October 2004 was adopted during the Second Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership in Cuzco, Peru.


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The Cusco Framework for Action (2004)


Framework for Action from the Second Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership in Cusco, Peru - 2004


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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (2004)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (2004)


Resolution adopted by the General Assembly at the 58th Session: Sustainable development in mountain regions. A/RES/58/216


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Towards a GIS-based analysis of mountain environments and populations

Towards a GIS-based analysis of mountain environments and populations


This report presents the results of work in progress. It applies GIS techniques and newly available geo-referenced data to understand conditions underlying poverty and hunger in the world, with special reference to mountain environments and populations. Following the system developed by the United Nations Environment Programme – World Conservation Monitoring...

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