Mustang Advocacy Summit participants endorse the Mustang Declaration

Mustang Advocacy Summit participants endorse the Mustang Declaration


On 20-21 September 2022, national governments, international agencies, and Mountain Partnership members joined together in Nepal for the Mustang Advocacy Summit (MAS 2022) to raise awareness about the impact of climate change in mountain regions. The objective of the Summit was to draw attention to the issues and challenges faced...

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“Minga” for the sustainable development of mountains in Ecuador

“Minga” for the sustainable development of mountains in Ecuador


On 13 September 2022, the Community of Practice Minga de la Montaña (Minga of the Mountain) was launched in Latacunga, Ecuador, with the participation of 120 people.

Minga is a tradition of several Indigenous Peoples of South America that stands for community and collaborative work for purposes of social utility or...

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Global Meeting provides new momentum for mountains

Global Meeting provides new momentum for mountains

peak to peak

The October 2022 issue of Peak to Peak shares the highlights from the recent Sixth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership held on 26-29 September 2022 in Aspen, United States of America. Top news stories include an overview of the high-level discussion on mountains hosted by the Government of Kyrgyzstan...

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Inclusive and resilient mountain food systems: Opportunities and best practices - policy brief

Inclusive and resilient mountain food systems: Opportunities and best practices - policy brief


Mountain food systems are unique, complex, diverse, and linked with cultures of local communities and indigenous peoples. They shape landscapes, and support biodiversity and nutrition security worldwide. Currently, these systems are playing an important for providing ecosystem services, sustaining the livelihoods of 1.1 billion people living in the world’s mountains...

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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2022)

United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2022)


Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development

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Mountain representatives to meet in Aspen for Mountain Partnership Global Meeting

Mountain representatives to meet in Aspen for Mountain Partnership Global Meeting

peak to peak

The September 2022 issue of Peak to Peak provides an overview of what to expect at the upcoming Mountain Partnership Global Meeting, to be held on 26-29 September 2022 in Aspen. Top news stories include a feature story on the latest film festival to become a member of the Mountain...

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