IPROMO 2016 Summer School: Managing mountain resources and diversities - the role of protected areas

IPROMO 2016 Summer School: Managing mountain resources and diversities - the role of protected areas


The ninth International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas (IPROMO), organized by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat and the University of Turin, will focus on “Managing mountain resources and diversities: the role of protected areas”. It will focus on several aspects that contribute to the productive...

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Call for mountain photographs for IMD

Call for mountain photographs for IMD

peak to peak

                                                                       Issue 94 – Month 7 – Year 2016

The July issue of...

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Solar cookers for families in Tajik mountains

Solar cookers for families in Tajik mountains


Thanks to the funds collected by a Norwegian volunteer, nine families, who were affected by the earthquake that struck the Bartang Valley of the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan in December 2015, received solar parabolic cookers. Little Earth can be proud of its volunteers. Several years ago, a woman from...

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Newsletter for West Africa mountains

Newsletter for West Africa mountains


The Platform of Civil Society Organization for the Safeguard of Mountains (PSM) began a newsletter for green actors in seven countries of West Africa. PSM is a platform for the stability of mountains and the wellbeing of mountain communities in West Africa and includes some Mountain Partnership members.

With the release...

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Why is food insecurity rising in mountains?

Why is food insecurity rising in mountains?


There are many interrelated factors behind this troubling trend, explains Andrew Taber of The Mountain Institute, referring to data revealed by “Mapping the Vulnerability of Mountain Peoples to Food Insecurity”, a study conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization in collaboration with the Mountain Partnership Secretariat. According to...

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Action in mountains vital to global goals

Action in mountains vital to global goals

peak to peak

 Issue 93 – Month 6 – Year 2016

The June issue of Peak to Peak begins with the coverage of an MPS event where United Nations diplomats called for efforts to address the rising rate of food insecurity in mountainous areas...

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