Colombia has new environmental law to the conservation of National Natural Parks and forests

Colombia has new environmental law to the conservation of National Natural Parks and forests


The President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, approved the environmental law “Gloria Valencia de Castaño” granting tax benefits to contributors who make donations for the conservation of National Natural Parks and the forests of Colombia.

Taxpayers will make donations to the National Parks Unit to fund the conservation of  these parks...

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New members of the Mountain Partnership in Latin America

New members of the Mountain Partnership in Latin America


Four organizations from Latin America received their membership from the Mountain Partnership. The new members are Instituto Boliviano de la Montaña (The Bolivian Mountain Institute – BMI) based in La Paz, Bolivia; Fundación Cordillera Tropical (Foundation Tropical Cordillera) based in Cuenca, Ecuador; Fundación CoMunidad (Foundation Community) from Panama City and...

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Ten Central African countries agree to improve forest monitoring

Ten Central African countries agree to improve forest monitoring


The forests of Africa's Congo Basin, approximately 200 million hectares, are one of the world's largest primary rainforests, second only to the Amazon. The region's forests support the livelihoods of some 60 million people. A new regional initiative will help ten Central African countries to set up advanced national forest...

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Endangered species in the Karakorum Mountains: a threat to biodiversity in the Park

Endangered species in the Karakorum Mountains: a threat to biodiversity in the Park


Mining, uncontrolled deforestation and hunting. These are the factors that seriously threaten the biodiversity of the Karakorum Mountains home to 10 species of mammals and 12 species of birds in danger of extinction. The alarm has been launched in past days by Muhammad Zafar Khan, head of WWF in Pakistan....

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The future potential of European Mountain forests - Final Conference of the MANFRED project

The future potential of European Mountain forests - Final Conference of the MANFRED project


The Final Conference of the European Project Management Strategies to adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks (MANFRED) will be held on 28 June 2012, on the premises of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome (Italy). The conference, titled “The future potential...

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Call for papers:  FLEGT/VPA workshop - Ghana

Call for papers: FLEGT/VPA workshop - Ghana


The ACP-FLEGT Support Programme in partnership with the Forestry Commission of Ghana and the EFI EU FLEGT Facility, is soliciting papers for a regional workshop on “Experiences from the FLEGT/VPA process in West and Central African countries”, which will be held from 23 to 25 October 2012 in Accra, Ghana....

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